Hello guys! I have a problem. Recently the project was updated. I don't know why my date pickers has this behavior, this doesn't work. This gif was taken from demo-ui-components pages and is the same for the others components. But, the date range picker does work without problem! Can you help me please? Thanks!
Hi! I made a new service and I did another changes in another services but, when Ii wanna update the service-proxy with nswag, it doesn't update.
On the swagger.json (http://localhost:22742/swagger/v1/swagger.json) appears my changes, but it doesn't update. :'(
I deleted the node-modules folder and reinstalled components but it doesn't work either.
I need to use a single connectionstring for one of the tenants. The rest of tenants would use the default connectionstring.
Example appsettings:
"Default": " .......",
"Pruebas": " ......"
I have a tenant called "Pruebas" and I want him to use a separate database to the other tenants. I have seen the documentation and searched for demos but I can't find a way to solve it.
Thanks for you help!
Hi, somebody has an example, recommendations, guides, etc. about how to implement Azure AD B2C in ASPNETZERO? Thanks a lot for your help!
I am trying in the app resolve the tenant by subdomain.
In the Web.Host:
"App": { "ServerRootAddress": "https://mybackend.net/", "ClientRootAddress": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}.mydomain.com/", "CorsOrigins": "https://*.mydomain.com, ..... }
In the Angular App:
"remoteServiceBaseUrl": "https://mybackend.net/", "appBaseUrl": "https://{TENANCY_NAME}.mydomain.com/", "localeMappings": { "angular": [ {
When I call the application with https://tenant.mydomain.com the tenant name is not resolved and the host login page is loaded. Only tenant names are resolved by cookies.
I tried to make a custom resolver, but it doesn't work either
Question, the backend need a subdomain too?