Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "doligence"


Thank you very much for your prompt repnse.

My site still loads very slow, especially after logging in.

Is there any special requirement for the server side?

I deployed the frontend and backend on Azure.

  • Frontend: Standard: 1 Small
  • Backend: Standard: 1 Small

It's Zero version, Abp libs v3.5.0

I deployed on Azure, developed on a Mac.

You could just try it out by loading this logging page. <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

It takes too long for AbpUserConfiguration.GetAll(). The loading time for my case ranges from 6 to 15s.

This causes bad UX.

Is there any way to optimize it?

By casting to any, you could make TypeScript linter to skip the validation as well.

ANY, I couldn't get the look & feel of Select2 to be similar to other standard control when shown in Forms.

When playing with demo sample, it shown nicely, but mine isn't. Do I need to add any dedicated CSS?

Thank you. I have searched for. Just thought this would be a very standard feature to be ready in this pack.

I got this message.

Sorry but you are not permitted to use the search system.


I want to have user registration via email invitation.

Is it achievable with Asp.Net Zero by default?


I couldn't use Search function. I am using Regular license. Is there any limitation?

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries