Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "dparizek"

Well update... looking at example code for Users or Editions or Friendships, I see they work somewhat differently. Instead of having a repo object that is queried via Linq? they have an additional concept of a Manager. Like UserManager.

Is there somewhere this is documented? The detailed how to documents for each of the different starting apps don't seem to talk about Managers.

Actually the rest of the application has plenty of examples of full CRUD, like for users for example, so I was just being stupid.

When trying to build the Angular2 version (Web.Host) I get "MSB1009: Project file does not exist." Project.json is there, is this something to do with MS moving to MSBuild from project.json for .NET Core? Some setting I need to change?

Has anyone else tried to get it going in VS Code on Windows or Mac?

I was not necessarily expecting a full guide, although that would be wonderful, more some direction on how to get started. I have tried "dotnet build" in several places where this is a project.json file but always get an error about missing dependencies.

So a getting started in VS Code guide would be helpful.

So if someone wanted to try and mod the Angular2 version to work on it in VSCode on a Mac - any advice where to look for resources how to make it work there?

I saw this issue and it turned out because I failed to put empty object in request body. i.e. - put {} only in request body.

Under Areas->Mpa->Views if I want a view served to URL /Mpa/Insurance I need to add a folder named "Insurance" and then put the Index.cshtml file in that folder.

I would like instead to have Areas->Mpa->Views->MyOrganizingFolder->Insurance->Index.cshtml.

If I do that what all should I change so the view will be correctly auto found?

Also, perhaps existing clients of zero have already added some cms features on their own that they would hopefully be willing to contribute back to the anz? This would be in their best interests since it would then allow the asz team to focus elsewhere on yet more features (-:

Hi All:

I see that adding CMS features is on the Roadmap. I am trying to convince the team at my work to adopt ZERO for all our development, but the cms features would be needed.

I am wondering what the best plan for that would be. Perhaps integrating an existing open source CMS project would be quickest and maybe best way to add this functionality? I guess integration would need to have a system for sharing of user base / auth.

Or does ABP/Z team plan to build from scratch so that it is more deeply integrated?

Any timeline for intial release? Will it include versioning of CMS documents?

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