Base solution for your next web application
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using Abp.Application.Services.Dto; using simul_bcfo.Dto; using simul_bcfo.Expenses.Dtos; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace simul_bcfo.Expenses { public class ProxyExpensesAppService : ProxyAppServiceBase, IExpensesAppService { public async Task CreateOrEdit(CreateOrEditExpenseDto input) { await ApiClient.PostAsync(GetEndpoint(nameof(CreateOrEdit)), input); }

    public async Task Delete(EntityDto<Guid> input)
        await ApiClient.DeleteAsync(GetEndpoint(nameof(Delete)), input);

    public async Task<PagedResultDto<GetExpenseForViewDto>> GetActiveForPatient(GetAllExpensesInput input)
        return await ApiClient.GetAsync<PagedResultDto<GetExpenseForViewDto>>(GetEndpoint(nameof(GetActiveForPatient)), input);

    public async Task<PagedResultDto<GetExpenseForViewDto>> GetActiveForUser()
        return await ApiClient.GetAsync<PagedResultDto<GetExpenseForViewDto>>(GetEndpoint(nameof(GetActiveForUser)));

    public async Task<PagedResultDto<GetExpenseForViewDto>> GetAll(GetAllExpensesInput input)
        return await ApiClient.GetAsync<PagedResultDto<GetExpenseForViewDto>>(GetEndpoint(nameof(GetAll)), input);

    public async Task<List<ExpenseCareEventLookupTableDto>> GetAllCareEventForTableDropdown()
        return await ApiClient.GetAsync<List<ExpenseCareEventLookupTableDto>>(GetEndpoint(nameof(GetAllCareEventForTableDropdown)));

    public async Task<List<ExpenseExpenseTypeLookupTableDto>> GetAllExpenseTypeForTableDropdown()
        return await ApiClient.GetAsync<List<ExpenseExpenseTypeLookupTableDto>>(GetEndpoint(nameof(GetAllExpenseTypeForTableDropdown)));

    public async Task<PagedResultDto<ExpensePatientLookupTableDto>> GetAllPatientForLookupTable(GetAllForLookupTableInput input)
        return await ApiClient.GetAsync<PagedResultDto<ExpensePatientLookupTableDto>>(GetEndpoint(nameof(GetAllPatientForLookupTable)), input);

    public async Task<PagedResultDto<ExpensePayeeLookupTableDto>> GetAllPayeeForLookupTable(GetAllForLookupTableInput input)
        return await ApiClient.GetAsync<PagedResultDto<ExpensePayeeLookupTableDto>>(GetEndpoint(nameof(GetAllPayeeForLookupTable)), input);

    public async Task<List<ExpensePaymentMethodLookupTableDto>> GetAllPaymentMethodForTableDropdown()
        return await ApiClient.GetAsync<List<ExpensePaymentMethodLookupTableDto>>(GetEndpoint(nameof(GetAllPaymentMethodForTableDropdown)));

    public async Task<PagedResultDto<ExpenseUserLookupTableDto>> GetAllUserForLookupTable(GetAllForLookupTableInput input)
        return await ApiClient.GetAsync<PagedResultDto<ExpenseUserLookupTableDto>>(GetEndpoint(nameof(GetAllUserForLookupTable)), input);

    public async Task<GetExpenseForEditOutput> GetExpenseForEdit(EntityDto<Guid> input)
        return await ApiClient.GetAsync<GetExpenseForEditOutput>(GetEndpoint(nameof(GetExpenseForEdit)), input);

    public async Task<GetExpenseForViewDto> GetExpenseForView(Guid id)
        return await ApiClient.GetAsync<GetExpenseForViewDto>(GetEndpoint(nameof(GetExpenseForView)), id);

    public async Task<FileDto> GetExpensesToExcel(GetAllExpensesForExcelInput input)
        return await ApiClient.GetAsync<FileDto>(GetEndpoint(nameof(GetExpensesToExcel)), input);

    public async Task RemoveImage1File(EntityDto<Guid> input)
        await ApiClient.PostAsync(GetEndpoint(nameof(RemoveImage1File)), input);

    public async Task RemoveImage2File(EntityDto<Guid> input)
        await ApiClient.PostAsync(GetEndpoint(nameof(RemoveImage2File)), input);

    public async Task RemoveImage3File(EntityDto<Guid> input)
        await ApiClient.PostAsync(GetEndpoint(nameof(RemoveImage3File)), input);


using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Abp.Application.Services; using Abp.Application.Services.Dto; using simul_bcfo.Expenses.Dtos; using simul_bcfo.Dto; using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace simul_bcfo.Expenses { public interface IExpensesAppService : IApplicationService { Task<PagedResultDto<GetExpenseForViewDto>> GetActiveForUser(); Task<PagedResultDto<GetExpenseForViewDto>> GetActiveForPatient(GetAllExpensesInput input); Task<PagedResultDto<GetExpenseForViewDto>> GetAll(GetAllExpensesInput input);

    Task&lt;GetExpenseForViewDto&gt; GetExpenseForView(Guid id);

    Task&lt;GetExpenseForEditOutput&gt; GetExpenseForEdit(EntityDto&lt;Guid&gt; input);

    Task CreateOrEdit(CreateOrEditExpenseDto input);

    Task Delete(EntityDto&lt;Guid&gt; input);

    Task&lt;FileDto&gt; GetExpensesToExcel(GetAllExpensesForExcelInput input);

    Task&lt;PagedResultDto&lt;ExpensePayeeLookupTableDto&gt;> GetAllPayeeForLookupTable(GetAllForLookupTableInput input);

    Task&lt;List&lt;ExpenseExpenseTypeLookupTableDto&gt;> GetAllExpenseTypeForTableDropdown();

    Task&lt;List&lt;ExpensePaymentMethodLookupTableDto&gt;> GetAllPaymentMethodForTableDropdown();

    Task&lt;PagedResultDto&lt;ExpensePatientLookupTableDto&gt;> GetAllPatientForLookupTable(GetAllForLookupTableInput input);

    Task&lt;List&lt;ExpenseCareEventLookupTableDto&gt;> GetAllCareEventForTableDropdown();

    Task&lt;PagedResultDto&lt;ExpenseUserLookupTableDto&gt;> GetAllUserForLookupTable(GetAllForLookupTableInput input);

    Task RemoveImage1File(EntityDto&lt;Guid&gt; input);

    Task RemoveImage2File(EntityDto&lt;Guid&gt; input);

    Task RemoveImage3File(EntityDto&lt;Guid&gt; input);



using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.Virtualization; //using simul_bcfo.CareEvents; using simul_bcfo.Core.Dependency; using simul_bcfo.Core.Threading; using simul_bcfo.Expenses; using simul_bcfo.Expenses.Dtos; using simul_bcfo.Mobile.MAUI.Models.Expenses; using simul_bcfo.Mobile.MAUI.Shared; using simul_bcfo.Services.Navigation; //using Volo.Abp.Users;

namespace simul_bcfo.Mobile.MAUI.Pages.Expenses { public partial class Index : simul_bcfoMainLayoutPageComponentBase { protected INavigationService navigationService { get; set; } protected IExpensesAppService _expensesAppService { get; set; } //protected ICareEventsAppService _careEventsAppService { get; set; } protected List<ExpenseListModel> pendingExpenses = new List<ExpenseListModel>(); protected List<ExpenseListModel> approvedExpenses = new List<ExpenseListModel>(); protected List<ExpenseListModel> deniedExpenses = new List<ExpenseListModel>();

    private AddExpenseModal addExpenseModal { get; set; }
    private string showPending = "";
    private string showApproved = "hidden";
    private string showDenied = "hidden";

    public Index()
            _expensesAppService = DependencyResolver.Resolve&lt;IExpensesAppService&gt;();
            navigationService = DependencyResolver.Resolve&lt;INavigationService&gt;();
        catch(Exception ex)

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        await SetPageHeader(L("Expenses"));
        //await GetCareEventInfo();
        await GetList();

    private async Task GetList()
        await SetBusyAsync(async () =>
            await WebRequestExecuter.Execute(
                async () => await _expensesAppService.GetActiveForUser(),
                (result) =>
                    foreach (var exp in result.Items)
                        if (exp.Expense.ApprovalStatus == Enums.CareEventStatuses.Pending)
                            ExpenseListModel expense = new ExpenseListModel()
                                Amount = exp.Expense.Amount,
                                Payee = exp.Expense.Payee,
                                ExpenseType = exp.Expense.ExpenseType,
                                ReceivedDate = exp.Expense.ReceivedDate
                        else if (exp.Expense.ApprovalStatus == Enums.CareEventStatuses.Approved)
                            ExpenseListModel expense = new ExpenseListModel()
                                Amount = exp.Expense.Amount,
                                Payee = exp.Expense.Payee,
                                ExpenseType = exp.Expense.ExpenseType,
                                ReceivedDate = exp.Expense.ReceivedDate
                            ExpenseListModel expense = new ExpenseListModel()
                                Amount = exp.Expense.Amount,
                                Payee = exp.Expense.Payee,
                                ExpenseType = exp.Expense.ExpenseType,
                                ReceivedDate = exp.Expense.ReceivedDate
                    return Task.CompletedTask;


using System; using Abp.AutoMapper; using simul_bcfo.Expenses.Dtos;

namespace simul_bcfo.Mobile.MAUI.Models.Expenses { [AutoMapFrom(typeof(ExpenseDto))] public class ExpenseListModel : ExpenseDto { public ExpenseListModel() { } public string AmountAsString { get { return Amount.ToString("$#,##0.00"); } } } } using simul_bcfo.Enums;

using System; using Abp.Application.Services.Dto; using Abp.Domain.Entities;

namespace simul_bcfo.Expenses.Dtos { public class ExpenseDto : EntityDto<Guid> { public decimal Amount { get; set; }

    public DateTime ReceivedDate { get; set; }

    public string CheckNumber { get; set; }

    public string ConfirmationNumber { get; set; }

    public string PaymentSequence { get; set; }

    public CareEventStatuses ApprovalStatus { get; set; }

    public string Note { get; set; }

    public Guid? PayeeId { get; set; }

    public Guid? ExpenseTypeId { get; set; }

    public Guid? PaymentMethodId { get; set; }

    public Guid PatientId { get; set; }

    public Guid CareEventId { get; set; }

    public long? SubmitterId { get; set; }

    public string CareEventTitle { get; set; }
    public string Payee { get; set; }
    public string ExpenseType { get; set; }


Here are the classes I added.

I tried it with JetBrains Rider and got the same result.

I have done that a couple times. The latest trial was on a brand new download of the base solution and just adding in the proxy and one page as a test. The app never goes to the page and just hangs after the constructor for the page. Nothing is working in my code.

I downloaded the starter project again from your website and added my proxy for Expenses into it, add the supporting files in the various projects (dto's and other needed files), added the page and the menu item to access it and it never hits the proxy. Is there some type of registration that has to happen for the proxy to work that I am missing??

Again, the proxy is never hit. I've restarted Visual Studio and ensured that all applicable patches have been installed. For some reason it doesn't appear to know about the proxy service. Confused and dazed.

The email service will not allow sending the project. This is what I am getting when I attempt to execute one of my proxies.

Here is the relevant portions of the Proxy:

using Abp.Application.Services.Dto; using myproject.Dto; using myproject.Expenses.Dtos; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace myproject.Expenses { public class ProxyExpensesAppService : ProxyAppServiceBase, IExpensesAppService { public async Task CreateOrEdit(CreateOrEditExpenseDto input) { await ApiClient.PostAsync(GetEndpoint(nameof(CreateOrEdit)), input); }

    public async Task Delete(EntityDto&lt;Guid&gt; input)
        await ApiClient.DeleteAsync(GetEndpoint(nameof(Delete)), input);

    public async Task&lt;PagedResultDto&lt;GetExpenseForViewDto&gt;> GetActiveForPatient(GetAllExpensesInput input)
        return await ApiClient.GetAsync&lt;PagedResultDto&lt;GetExpenseForViewDto&gt;>(GetEndpoint(nameof(GetActiveForPatient)), input);

    public async Task&lt;PagedResultDto&lt;GetExpenseForViewDto&gt;> GetActiveForUser()
        return await ApiClient.GetAsync&lt;PagedResultDto&lt;GetExpenseForViewDto&gt;>(GetEndpoint(nameof(GetActiveForUser)));


Here is the method that calls the proxy:

    private async Task GetList()
        await SetBusyAsync(async () =>
            await WebRequestExecuter.Execute(
                async () => await _expensesAppService.GetActiveForUser(),
                (result) =>
                    foreach (var exp in result.Items)
                        if (exp.Expense.ApprovalStatus == Enums.CareEventStatuses.Pending)
                            ExpenseListModel expense = new ExpenseListModel()
                                Amount = exp.Expense.Amount,
                                Payee = exp.Expense.Payee,
                                ExpenseType = exp.Expense.ExpenseType,
                                ReceivedDate = exp.Expense.ReceivedDate
                        else if (exp.Expense.ApprovalStatus == Enums.CareEventStatuses.Approved)
                            ExpenseListModel expense = new ExpenseListModel()
                                Amount = exp.Expense.Amount,
                                Payee = exp.Expense.Payee,
                                ExpenseType = exp.Expense.ExpenseType,
                                ReceivedDate = exp.Expense.ReceivedDate
                            ExpenseListModel expense = new ExpenseListModel()
                                Amount = exp.Expense.Amount,
                                Payee = exp.Expense.Payee,
                                ExpenseType = exp.Expense.ExpenseType,
                                ReceivedDate = exp.Expense.ReceivedDate
                    return Task.CompletedTask;

I found a similar issue #11537 that resolved the initial problem of not resolving service. My proxy was named ProxyExpenseAppService and the interface is IExpensesAppService. Once I changed the proxy name to ProxyExpensesAppService it resolved correctly.

HOWEVER, when I attempt to make the call to a method on the proxy it never actually executes. I put a breakpoint in the SetBusyAsync method in the {myProject}ComponentBase on the await func(); call and it never hits it. In my InitializedAsync() method I had originally put a call to await UserDialogsService.Block() and it never allowed execution past that call. That same call is the first line of the SetBusyAsync() method and it appears it never goes past that call there either.

I need to get this working and don't know how to get past this issue.

I am trying to create a new MAUI app using the latest version of AspNetZero and have followed the step-by-step instructions in the documentation to create a new page for the Blazor mobile app. I have created my proxy in the Application.Client project and in my constructor for my page I call DependencyResolver.Resolve<IExpensesAppService>() but that throws an exception;

No component for supporting the service IExpensesAppService was found.

The proxy (ProxyExpensesAppService) is defined using ProxyAppServiceBase, IExpensesAppService and all of the methods for the interface have been defined appropriately by calling the corresponding await ApiClient... function. As far as I can tell there is no other step required to make the implementation of the interface available.

Please provide information on why the service cannot be resolved.

I'm sure this is a very basic question, but I can't determine how to have the first page that shows when my web app starts to be something other than the tenant dashboard. Please provide the solution.

I found the problem. I had commented out the <img> tag in the default.cshtml of AppLogo and added my own, but for some reason the system used both the commented out image and the new one. I removed the one I had entered and uncommented the original and the menu image is now correct.

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