@ismcagdas - I have confirmed my use of data- I mispoke above as I am trying multiple things in many places in my app. Sorry for the confusion. Here is a capture with the inspect element. Thanks for your help so far.
It seems my css is being overridden as the tip is below even when I direct it with data-placement="top".
Any updates here? I would like to get this resolved.
Thanks, Duffy
I don't think the css style information is getting loaded for m-tooltip. When I go to Roles and hover over static, it appears unstyled, like the print screen supplied above. Do I need to include something specific in the .html/.ts file to have it "include" the style for m-tooltip?
This is in my lower left corner of the app:
v5.6.0.0 [20180925]
I am adding the tooltip to one of my pages in Aspnet.zero.
The result does not look at all like the metronic site here:
These look like "pills".
The result I get is a very small square box with the text inside - this seems out of sync with the rest of the theme.
I would post images - but I cannot capture the tooltips after I attempt to snap a photo of my screen - the tips go away...
public PropertyWatchersExcelExporter(
ITimeZoneConverter timeZoneConverter,
IAbpSession abpSession,
**ICacheManager cacheManager) : base(cacheManager)**
New entity will not build based on the bold code above.
Remove the line and all is okay??
<cite>alper: </cite>
<cite>duffyvector: </cite> Hello, I am new to the forum after purchasing my first license to ASP.NET ZERO. For some reason I cannot search the forum for the topics that interest me? I am able to post reply's to existing post or even create a post as I am doing right now.
Your issue has been fixed. Please try again...
Yes - seems okay now - Thank You!
@alirizaadiyahsi - Thank you for the location of this one file. I am hoping to find a posting of all the files to compare my work to. I have seen other projects where the final solution is available to compare your work and results to.