Hello, If please, can you provide a way of validating user / password for the tenant by aspnetzero WebAPI or another method? I need to know from mobile application as a tenant username and password are valid. Unfortunately logged tenant by WebAPI not work, only admin login.
I tried the server, I was thinking that maybe it's a problem with the local server , I enabled CORS , too, it works only with user admin . Enabling CORS is easy , thanks for the link :)
Hi, I tried again, only works with the admin user , and yes, if we try to connect a mobile application , the CORS over the service must be necessarily activated (I'm not get there yet :) ). Can you check please if tenant 's login works for you ? Thanks!
I try to use WebAPI log/autenticate from an external mobile application , but that works only for basic admin user(<a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:6240/api/Account/Authenticate">http://localhost:6240/api/Account/Authenticate</a>). It is restricted only for this user authentication , and if so there is a possibility to authenticate tenant username through WebAPI ? Thanks! Lucian.
new Abp.Application.Features.SimpleFeatureDependency("MyFeatureName");
Found it :)
Hi, I'm interested on how to implement IFeatureDependency interface for this purpose. Can you show us an example?
Thanks :)