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Activities of "edarib"

It's an empty string.


What version are you migrating from?

It's explained here:

Multi-tenancy url

Hi @hra

@edarib is right about the User Role.

For example if you enable LDAP, users will be able to login with their windows credentials but they won't have any access until you explicitly grant it.

Another use case: If you allow Self-Registration, you want to first review the request before assigning a role with access to your application.

"User" role is the out of the box static default role with no permissions. You can define what access it provides for your application. When you create a user that's the role they get by default which can be changed.

Have you looked at this documentation?

Try adding Encrypt=False to the connection string instead of TrustServerCertificate=True

That's one of the breaking changes in .NET 7:

The MAUI project only includes iOS and Android platforms.

You get the error "Program does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point" if you are trying to run it under Windows.

It will work on Windows, if you target Android.

Thank you!

Is there a recommended resolution for this issue?



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