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Activities of "elmogallen"


So maybe to answer my own question, or to add some more details to the question...

It seems that the way this works is that you must create a user in ASP.NET Zero with the same username as the one in ADFS, and then it just magically works? And you can login with your network credentials?

That's what it seems like.



That helped me. Thank you.

For future reference for others, this is how to do it using the Metronic theme and angularjs:

<div class="md-radio-list">
    <div class="md-radio">
        <input type="radio" id="RetailerOptionRadio1" name="RetailerOptionRadio" class="md-radiobtn" ng-model="" value="1">
        <label for="RetailerOptionRadio1">
            <span class="inc"></span>
            <span class="check"></span>
            <span class="box"></span> Option 1

    <div class="md-radio">
        <input type="radio" id="RetailerOptionRadio2" name="RetailerOptionRadio" class="md-radiobtn" ng-model="" value="2">
        <label for="RetailerOptionRadio2">
            <span class="inc"></span>
            <span class="check"></span>
            <span class="box"></span> Option 2

    <div class="md-radio">
        <input type="radio" id="RetailerOptionRadio3" name="RetailerOptionRadio" class="md-radiobtn" ng-model="" value="3">
        <label for="RetailerOptionRadio3">
            <span class="inc"></span>
            <span class="check"></span>
            <span class="box"></span> Option 3

That worked perfectly. I didn't realize I could just call arbitrary jquery. I thought I had to use angular directives or something.

Thanks! Dave


So I've been goofing around and I was able to add Bootstrap Select, following the same pattern as Bootstrap Switch, then I added the js and css to the AppBundleConfig and used the syntax shown on another post here to add the ui-jq="selectpicker" attribute to my <select>.

So, I got it showing up and that's all good, except now it only seems to work if my options are static. If I try to get them using the angular model, I'm thinking that it is trying to convert it to the selectpicker before it has the data available.

<select id="PromotionId" name="PromotionId" class="form-control" ui-jq="selectpicker" data-live-search="true" ng-model="" required uib-popover="Must be setup in the Credit Buy Down system first." popover-title="Promotion" popover-placement="right" popover-trigger="mouseenter" popover-append-to-body="true">
    <option ng-repeat="option in vm.promotions" value="{{}}">{{}}</option>

... in the js: ...
                couponMaintenanceService.getPromotions().success(function (result)
                    vm.promotions = result.items;

How can I tell the selectpicker to update itself?


Also, as a follow-up question. How can I integrate Bootstrap Select if I have an older version of ASPNetZero before it was available. I can't quite figure out what all I need to do because there have been so many changes. I tried upgrading, but it didn't go smoothly.


Should I also remove DealerKioskId from my DealerKioskSettingsListDto ? Do I need to override Id there or do anything, or will it just be handled correctly at that point?

Thanks, Dave

Or, are you saying I should override Id and keep DealerKioskId as well?

Thank you for your response. I really appreciate it because there are things I'm not understanding.

I have done this:

public class DealerKioskSetting : Entity
        public override int Id { get; set; }

        //public int DealerKioskId { get; set; }

and when I do that, I get the following in my JSON data (from the console):

..."dealerKioskId":0, "id":1234...

So, my question now is... why is dealerKioskId showing up there at all? The id value is the correct dealerKioskId in this example.

Thank you, Dave

When I tried this, though, ABP wants to automatically add the "Id" field to my existing table, and then it wants to run the database migrations, which I don't want to do...


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