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Activities of "eltargrim"

Thank you for the quick response! I wasn't even thinking about the interface of the included object, I was solely focused on my entity and it having 'IMustHaveTenant'. Makes total sense and works great now.

I have an entity that looks something like:

    public class Foos : FullAuditedEntity, IMustHaveTenant
        public virtual int TenantId { get; set; }
        public User User { get; set; }

Other properties omitted for brevity.

And I'm retrieving data from the associated repository using a linq query like:

return _fooRepository.GetAllIncluding(c => c.User).ToList()

This works fine if the user retreving the data is a member of a tenant but the "included" User object is null for the host user. I thought that the MustHaveTenant requirement did not apply to host users and they could fetch all data (the documentation seems to support this based on my interpretation). Why is the Include for 'User' returning null for host users and how can I fix it so that it doesn't?

Thanks in advance

This is my first project with AspNet Zero and I'm working through debugging and setting up some of the core features. I've successfully configured Azure AD using openid and can login on the angular app and have a user created. When running localhost (with emails enabled) an email activation is not sent initially. If I login as admin I can send an activation email to the user but using that link does not activate the created Azure user. If I manually activate them with the admin account they can login on the angular app. Is this expected behavior?

Secondly, I see no option to login with the created openid account on the mobile app. No open id login and no way to establish a password for the created user that can be used. How do openid users work with the mobile application?

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