Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "enio"

Yes it is a console app. Thank you very much for pointing me the direction. Embedding our system in a custom module is what I have done already. Your second hint is new to me and exactly what I was looking for.

kind regards, marco

We are currently developing a distributed system with the help of nServiceBus. Now we would like to linke the back-backend-part of the system (which is processing the messages) with the entity framework part of asp.netzero. Therefore we referenced the asp.netzero Application project in our solution and make use of the Windsor DI container over the IocManager from Abp. However the entity framwork repositories are not registered in the container as we don't actually start the asp.netzero application.

Can you give us the direction where we should go?:

  • Is there a simple way to just register the entity framework repositories without starting the project?
  • Or should we just copy the Web.Host project and start our back-backend-system within this context? Actually we would like to use as less as possible asp.netzero code in this part of our system.

Thank you @ismcagdas! Indeed I forgot to look up the log file. For a while I was working with another application which logged every statement also to the console... now everything is clear again.


I am using version 5.4.1 AspNetZeroAngular2 and would like to roll out the application on azure. Unfortunately the backend is not working once deployed to the azure app service. If I check out the log file I only see a lot of the following statements: Exception thrown: 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' in System.Data.dll

...but not more information. Do you have an idea why there is no detailed information about the sql exception?

For a test I have started the backend localy and changed the password in the DB connection string to a non working value. And even in this case I can't see a clear information about the issue. So I guess that I miss some configuration option of the entityframework which filters out the details of the issue.

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