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Activities of "ervingayle"

Hi @ismcagdas,

Thank you for your reply.

I get the same behavior running locally vs published to Azure. The issue is with the 'AbpServiceProxies/GetAll'. Due to this I get invalid context for abp and users cannot login to the application at all.

In Azure, I took your advice and removed all files except the log folder and then published again, however I get the same behavior. Locally I do not get the level of detail for the exception. I can only see that the GetAll is being requested and the request only ends when the page has timed out.

Hi @ismcagdas,

CoreCLR Version: 4.700.20.20201 .NET Core Version: 3.1.4 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: Castle.MicroKernel.Handlers.HandlerException: Can't create component '......Web.Chat.SignalR.SignalRChatCommunicator' as it has dependencies to be satisfied.

'........Web.Chat.SignalR.SignalRChatCommunicator' is waiting for the following dependencies:

  • Service 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.IHubContext`1[[......Web.Chat.SignalR.ChatHub, Enotch.EnotchVnext.Web.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]' which was not registered.

I am not getting any errors on building the solution but this is being logged to one of the azure logs and the assembly version is also wrong despite the solution and nuget versions are showing 8.8.0.

What would cause this? - I think there are some items related to SignalR here although if I try a new solution it works. The task of starting with a new solution to do this upgrade is not preferrable vs the branch logic that has worked in the past. The winmerge comparision is not showing any differences in Web.Core and MVC projects which would hint at an issue.


Thanks for your advice. I will take a look as best I can but it is not clear at all. Your scenario involved users taking an action. In my case its a simplistic issue that is preventing login that is not clearly identiifed in the tools I have used to upgrade abp versions in the past.

Hi @ricavir,

How did you get to a point to identify this problem? Our current issue is with the /AbpServiceProxies/GetAll. There is a corelation between the 100% cpu use and a request to the login page where that javascript is referenced. As a result my users cannot login via the website.

I have already blindly upgraded the azure app service plan with no luck.


I thought it was related to signal but dont explicitly see that in the logs. I do have high memory and cpu usage when loading the homepage and have the HostingStartup error. However I am not exactly sure


Thank you for your response.

The information has been sent.

Thank you.

@ricavir are you still getting this error? I am experiencing it and it is quite frustrating.

@ismcagdas, How could I test disabling signalr?

Hello Community,

I am trying to upgrade my core project from v7.3.1 to 8.8.

In doing so I am noticing all sorts of problems I have never had with upgrades that I have done since v4/v5. Troubleshooting is even more difficult because I am just getting out of memory exceptions but it is not clear why. I have even upgraded my app service to the 7GB option which used to work on a P1. Has anyone had this problem?

As the title mentions: The login takes about 2 minutes to display among other issues. I sometime get out of memory exception when trying to access. app.consts is undefined Accessing "/AbpServiceProxies/GetAll?v=637263311932348163" doesn't load

Please advise as to what I can do here.

I did download the aspnetzero v7 zip file about a week ago and I did file compares. So while I believe the original zip works my solution is not working. Is there something else I can do to troubleshoot?

I updated this file that is mentioned but I still have the same error message.

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