Thanks for the reply.
My only issue here is that as I mentioned I am running Azure websites. Azure App Services does not provide access to IIS because you are on a shared multi-tenant environment as you know. Looking online, I found other examples saying to modify the web.config, etc and I came across this one: <a class="postlink" href=""></a>
It asks to add WEBSITE_LOAD_USER_PROFILE = 1 to the App Service, App Settings in the Azure Web Portal.
Now everything works. This should probably be added to the aspnetzero documentation for anyone else leveraging the platform if you are going to list support for it.
The only difference between my Web.Mvc project and the Source on Github or my master branch is the uncommented lines for hangfire. I would like add that I looked at my original aspnetboilerplate install which is on Azure App Services and see that we used and I tried uncommenting the authorization line but that gives me a generic access denied page. //ENABLE TO USE HANGFIRE dashboard (Requires enabling Hangfire in EnotchWebModule) app.UseHangfireDashboard("/hangfire", new DashboardOptions { Authorization = new[] { new AbpHangfireAuthorizationFilter() } //You can remove this line to disable authorization });
In addition, I noticed that with my environment variable for the project set to "Development", that the DeveloperExceptionPage does not work. I ended up modifying the else branch as follows else { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); //Commented error pages //app.UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects("~/Error?statusCode={0}"); //app.UseExceptionHandler("/Error"); }
So I don't know if there is some issue with the settings that are being made with Startup.cs. What else can I provide?
I am going to review now. One thing though, I made the hangfire uncomment changes to Web.Core and Web.Mvc as per the instructions not to the Host project.
On Azure, I am using Azure App Services not the traditional self managed VM. I did find this on LoadUserProfile and Azure App Services.
I am having the same problem and error message with my aspnetzero 4.3 install, also .net core.
Is there any other troubleshooting step?
I am referring to the actual package, its name is Newtonsoft.Json. It is at version 10.0.3 in my solution.
When you go to NuGet package manager do you see Newtonsoft.Json listed as installed for the right projects in your solution? I saw the dependency resolved in the solution so I thought it was some other error because it appears installed but when I went to package manager it was not listed there. After installing as I mentioned before the warning went away.
If you do see Newtonsoft.Json in package manager then you must have another issue.
Thank you for the link. I did review it before posting here and tried setting the property as I noted in my original post which I found in the Hangfire documentation. However, it is not working for me so I posted here. Has anyone else tried to do this?
I had a similar issue this week, potentially from my creation of the 4.3 .net core build. When I went to manage NuGet packages for the solution, Newtonsoft.Json was not installed. I added it for Web.Core, Web.Host and Web.Mvc and the error went away. You can try this and see if it resolves the issue for you.
My experience is different on this topic. For those customers building a multi-tenant solution in some cases an organization may not want to leverage SSO/federation capabilities such as Google, etc for authenticating users even if they leverage those platforms already. There is certainly value and a need to provide a multi-tenant LDAP supported option. You are correct that customers will not blatantly expose their AD/LDAP to the public internet. This is why Azure and Amazon alike have implemented p2p VPN and other services to allow their existing policies around account management and server management to also apply to the cloud and for those cloud hosted services to use a common identity used by the organization.
I agree that the host account does not need to be an LDAP account. It should be a local user account identity.
There are other technologies like Bitium, Otka and Onelogin that exist precisely to address this problem in a way that does not require VPN. However, for us as AspNet Zero customers, I believe that this will be a BIG feature if it can be implemented.
I for one would be happy to test. I have many use cases and organizations to validate the use case.