Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "evadmin"

Hello, I'm using the latest version of Abp0 (.net core 2.0). I'm trying to figure out how to secure the web host project against an server running IdentityServer4. I see that the default authentication uses JWT bearer token, but I don't understand what to use for the SecurityKey value.

So I tried to use IdentityServerAuthencitation by adding IdentityServer4 AccessTokenValidation.2.0.0-rc2 which is supposed to support dotnetcore 2.0, but that's not working either.

Does anyone have some advice or an example of how to authenticate the API (web host project) with a JWT given an existing API resource registered with an existing IdentityServer4 implementation?


Hi, I've configured my site to use as my smtp server, but it doesn't seem to work and I can't figure out how to debug it. When I try to send test emails, there's a notification saying they are sent successfully, but none of the emails I've sent have been received.

Nevermind! I found it in <myproject>.Web.Core\IdentityServer\IdentityServerConfig.cs

Hi, the documentation describes configuring IdentityServer4 clients in appsettings.json, but is there a way to configure IdentityResources and ApiResources?

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