@ismcagdas - Thank you!! That worked!!
One note for others that use the solution above, you do need to run the command "npm run create-bundles" after making the changes mentioned in the prior post.
Can you please tell me how I can change the look of the spinner used? I would like to use a different spinner with some text as well. I really like the one you have used on your demo portal of AspNetZero web site.
Update: I was just testing some more and when using the below code. The clearBusy is NOT working. The spinner just stays there.
if (!_$Form.valid()) {
var legalEntity = _$Form.serializeFormToObject();
).done(function () {
I did the rebudle option on the app-lib-layout file as you suggested. Still the same issue persists and the same error is getting logged in the console.
@ryancyq - Can you please provide a solution on this issue. I cannot seem to get BlockUI working on any page. I found this code in the app-layout-libs.js, this seems to be the source of the error getting logged in the console. What is this is doing or supposed to do?
` /* UI BUSY */ //Defines UI Busy API, not implements it
abp.ui.setBusy = function (elm, optionsOrPromise) {
abp.log.warn('abp.ui.setBusy is not implemented!');
On on my index page, I called blockUI using this code.
abp.ui.setBusy('.m-subheader .m-content');
But still I don't get any blocking and the error is getting logged in the console?
I checked my app-layout-libs.js bundle settings with your GIT repo version and its the same. I dont see anything missing? Can you share the code from the demo portal on how the blockUI is created with spinner?
In my chrome console I am seeing these messages logged.
WARN: app-layout-libs.js?v=sm6yeTqKaPg7WdH6tGylsDxoL7C6xzVP9-q2szCogzk:77095 abp.ui.clearBusy is not implemented! app-layout-libs.js?v=sm6yeTqKaPg7WdH6tGylsDxoL7C6xzVP9-q2szCogzk:77095 WARN: app-layout-libs.js?v=sm6yeTqKaPg7WdH6tGylsDxoL7C6xzVP9-q2szCogzk:77095 abp.ui.setBusy is not implemented! app-layout-libs.js?v=sm6yeTqKaPg7WdH6tGylsDxoL7C6xzVP9-q2szCogzk:77095 WARN: app-layout-libs.js?v=sm6yeTqKaPg7WdH6tGylsDxoL7C6xzVP9-q2szCogzk:77095 abp.ui.clearBusy is not implemented!
Is this the reason its not working, if yes, what do I need to do to enable full blockUI functionality?
I did some more digging into this issue and found a Stackoverflow thread that helped. I changed the mapping, as shown below. I reveresed the source and destination values and used ForMember instead. This resolved my error.
configuration.CreateMap<LegalEntity, EditLegalEntityDto> ()
.ForMember(dto => dto.NewNote, opt => opt.Ignore());
However, I would like to understand why the original code did not work? If anyone has any ideas, please do share.
@jtallon - I dont know Angular sorry. I only work on MVC JQuery project. However, I would assume it should be faily simple. Here is example cshtml markup from one of my "Edit" pages. Hope this helps?
<div class="m-subheader" id="IndexView">
<div class="row align-items-center">
<div class="mr-auto col-sm-12 col-md-6">
<h3 class="m-subheader__title m-subheader__title--separator">
<span class="m-section__sub">
<div class="m-content">
<div class="m-portlet m-portlet--tabs m-portlet--primary m-portlet--head-solid-bg m-portlet--head-sm">
<div class="m-portlet__head">
<div class="m-portlet__head-caption">
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<a class="btn btn-outline-metal m-btn m-btn--icon m-btn--pill m-btn--air" href="@Url.Action("Index", "YourControllerName")">
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@jtallon - I have done this quite a lot in my AspNetZero app. I usually just take the Index.cshtml page and copy it and then replace all of the "content" section below the page heading and page heading info.