protected override void CancelDeletionForSoftDelete(DbEntityEntry entry)
What is the file to write this code ?
Thanks for your reply. I have sample project ( Acme.PhoneBook) for entity ( Phone ) there is no ( Isdeleted column ) and not used the way as you reply >[NotMapped]
public override bool IsDeleted { get; set; }
Kindly explain me How ?
Hi, I could not understand the link you sent. I Do not want to use this field ( isdeleted ) in whole my application for all tables. I want to use hard delete NOT Soft delete.
Hello, I want to delete record permanent. So, I do not want to use ( IsDelete ) column in all my application. How ?
Hello, I want to use Telerik MVC grid in my Project MVC type. How can I add it and use it in project? ( Best Practice )