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Activities of "feliw"

Hii Thanks .. Great support, solved my problem already..


Any advice on how to persist data directly after Repository insert or udpate ? My problem right now is, I need to use LINQ to join with the newly inserted data. But because the data is not persisted to DB until the process is finished so my LINQ query return null for me.

A bit of my code below, so the idea is under 1 process, I insert the 'Style' data, and then use it on the LINQ query on the //insert production schedule part

//insert style
                var styles = (from tbInput in input.AsQueryable()
                              select new { Code = tbInput.StyleCode, Description = tbInput.StyleDescription })
                          .GroupBy(c => new { c.Code, c.Description })
                          .Select(rs => new CreateStyleDto
                              Code = rs.FirstOrDefault().Code,
                              Description = rs.FirstOrDefault().Description,

                foreach (CreateStyleDto dto in styles)

                //insert production schedule
                var productionschedule = (from tbInput in input.AsEnumerable()
                                          join tbProductionLine in _productionLineRepository.GetAll().AsEnumerable() on tbInput.ProductionLineFRCode equals tbProductionLine.FastReactCode
                                          join tbStyle in _styleRepository.GetAll().AsEnumerable() on tbInput.StyleCode equals tbStyle.Code
                                          select new
                                              Facility = tbInput.Facility,
                                              ProductionLineId = tbProductionLine.Id,
                                              StyleId = tbStyle.Id,
                                              StyleCode = tbInput.StyleCode,
                                              StyleDescription = tbInput.StyleDescription,
                                              SAM = tbInput.SAM,
                                              ProductionNo = tbInput.ProductionNo,
                                              ExFactory = tbInput.ExFactory,
                                              NoOfOperators = tbInput.NoOfOperators,
                                              NoOfWorkHours = tbInput.NoOfWorkHours,
                                              RemainingQty = tbInput.RemainingQty,
                                              ActualQty = tbInput.ActualQty,
                                              PlanDate = tbInput.PlanDate,
                                          }).GroupBy(grouper => new
                               Select(rs => new CreateProductionScheduleDto
                                   Facility = rs.FirstOrDefault().Facility,
                                   StyleId = rs.FirstOrDefault().StyleId,
                                   ProductionLineId = rs.FirstOrDefault().ProductionLineId,
                                   SAM = rs.FirstOrDefault().SAM,
                                   ExFactory = rs.FirstOrDefault().ExFactory,
                                   InlineDate = new DateTime(),
                                   NoOfOperators = rs.FirstOrDefault().NoOfOperators,
                                   NoOfWorkHours = rs.FirstOrDefault().NoOfWorkHours,
                                   PlanDate = rs.FirstOrDefault().PlanDate,
                                   ActualQty = rs.Sum(c => c.ActualQty),
                                   RemainingQty = rs.Sum(c => c.RemainingQty)

                foreach (CreateProductionScheduleDto dto in productionschedule)
                    dto.InlineDate = GetInlineDate(dto);
                    ProductionScheduleDto currentDto = CheckExist(dto);
                    if (currentDto == null)
                        currentDto.ActualQty = dto.ActualQty;
                        currentDto.NoOfOperators = dto.NoOfOperators;
                        currentDto.NoOfWorkHours = dto.NoOfWorkHours;
                        currentDto.RemainingQty = dto.RemainingQty;
                        currentDto.SAM = dto.SAM;
                        currentDto.InlineDate = dto.InlineDate;

Thanks before :D :D


Is there a easy way to handle datetime type in ABP without considering timezone? The problem is when we pass a datetime to AppService from JSON, it will include the timezone, as the result when the datetime received in service the value will be different then the initial value (because the server timezone is different than the client timezone so reduction/addition will occur to the datetime).

Thanks before for the great support!! :) :)

Hai Paddyfink,

Thanks for your fast response. I see it's my fault. Have a nice day :D


I try to figure this error, but seems everything is okay but I receive "Your request is invalid", I already check the request payload and my JSON string seems okay, same as my DTO. Can advice me where I did wrong ?

The JSON seems cannot be serialize to CreateShiftDto so it return me "input is null"

Thanks before

Here is my piece of code


public bool Create(CreateShiftDto input)
                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

Angular function

function create() {
                shiftsService.create(vm.shiftss).success(function (result) {
                    abp.notify.success("Data is created!");
                }).error(function (result) {

this is my object (vm.shiftss)


and this is my DTO

    public class CreateShiftDto : IInputDto
        public virtual int Seq { get; set; }
        public virtual string Code { get; set; }
        public virtual string Description { get; set; }
        public virtual DateTime TimeStart { get; set; }
        public virtual DateTime TimeEnd { get; set; }
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