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Activities of "finadmin1A"

Previous title: Can anyone please help me with the left hand menu bar. My question is how can I change my default dashboard to Account Overview as landing page instead of Dashboard ? Where can I change it ?

Previous title: Can someone help me this error why everytime it is breaking instead of taking me to login page if it is something related to security or session expire how to avoid this issue please help ?

Can anyone help me with the tables how can I limit table data to 10 rows per widget ? and expand when click see all records ? Please advise. Thanks


Does anyone know how to set styles and positions for morris donut chart if we are using multiple donut charts in single page ??? Please help ?

Right now it is just tenant = 1 and host = 2 how can I do like dashboard2 = 3 , dashboard3= 4 etc.

Thanks, Hunain


I created 3 new pages on naviation side bar. I want to call the all widgets and edit functionality on my new pages too. I tried to create new pages under default dashboard in app setting provider but that is only showing a new page like a tab element on the same default dashboard. Could somebody please help or share useful link how can I call the widgets on my new pages. I tried to copy and paste some code from hostdashboard controller and tried to call it in a similar way but I must have to provide permission for default dashboard as well in order to show them on new pages. If anyone could please help me with this ??? I actually want my new pages behave like another dashboard which has widgets.

Thanks, Hunain

Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries