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Activities of "gconey"

Thanks. There is also an example of this in the framework in "theme-selection-panel.component.html" Also can you explain the difference between the two methods of localization? Why did you introduce the pipe? Should I change my app to use the pipe method everywhere?


I don't understand this in the Angular sample app (e.g. in "Creating the PhoneBook Component" and on many other pages of the sample App): {{l("PhoneBook" | localize)}}

Why use the l() function and the localize pipe? Surely they are two different ways of doing the same thing and don't need to be used together? There is also an example of this in the framework in "theme-selection-panel.component.html" Also can you explain the difference between the two methods of localization? Why did you introduce the pipe? Should I change my app to use the pipe method everywhere?



I found the answer myself. The Angular 2+ version of the f/w doesn't call GetScripts instead it makes a call to AbpUserConfiguration/GetAll in getUserConfiguration in AppPreBootstrap.ts I'm not sure quite why you do it like that though? Would be interested in a bit of an explanation of how this part of the f/w works. Thanks.



Could you tell me where/how GetScripts is called in the Angular 2+ version? This builds the dynamic Abp scripts for front-end localization, etc. I need to do something similar. I know that in other versions of the Framework it is called in Layout.cshtml but I can't find where it is called in the Angular 2+ version. Thanks.




Using the Angular+Core version of the FW. The autofocus directive doesn't work for text boxes in modals. I think this is because it tries to set the focus while the modal is animating open. I want to help my users by using this directive to set focus to the 1st field.

I have got it to work by adding a timeout to the auto-focus directive as follows but I think there may be a better way to fix this. Any ideas?

ngAfterViewInit(): void {
       window.setTimeout(() => {


Is there a guide anywhere on how to migrate an existing application from "ASP.NET MVC 5.X + ANGULARJS 1.X" to "ASP.NET CORE + ANGULAR 6.X". I'd like to upgrade my application and get the benefits of the new features, but I've already completed a lot of development using the older version of Zero. Any advice, tutorials, links,etc that could help would be useful. Thanks.

Regards, George

The fix doesn't seem to have worked. I'm still seeing the squares in grids and multi-line text boxes in IE11. See screenshots at [])



Can you share your component or point me in the right direction? Thanks.

Regards, George



I'm looking for a developer to assist me with my project which is using the Angular 1.x and ASP.NET MVC 5.x version of the Framework. If you are interested please contact me privately for more details. Thanks.

Regards, George



Has anyone found a date and time picker that works well in the Angular 1.x ver of the Framwork, including handling different timezones, utc, etc. I have been using the one from Angular Strap <a class="postlink" href=""></a> I've more or less got it working and handing the timezones correctly, etc. But it's still causing me quite a few problems and took me a lot of hacking to work in the Framework correctly (issues around timezones, moment, etc, etc). And the user experience isn't all that great. Times and dates are fundamental to my application so if anyone has good suggestions that are working well for them please let me know.

Thanks a lot, George

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