I found the issue, I was missing the quick-sidebar.js line in AppBundleConfig.cs:
new ScriptBundle("~/Bundles/App/metronic/js")
Thanks for your help.
Thanks. I'm getting this error in Chrome on page load:
angular.js:13642 ReferenceError: QuickSidebar is not defined at chatbar.js:267 at angular.js:19308 at e (angular.js:5912) at angular.js:6191
I can't see why as my files are in line with yours for ver 1.11
Re point 4 - the issue is just that the chat window doesn't scroll to show the most recent message. So if there are multiple messages the bottom ones appear clipped until you scroll down. Nothing major.
The issue 3 of not being able to open the chat window is the most serious.
Regards, George
Hi, Thanks for the prompt reply. 1 & 2: I found the Metronic and Grid changes - I do have the new versions.
3 & 4: It's a SPA running in Chrome 52.0.2743.116 I've tried clearing the cache. The problem is exactly the same in IE 11 and in MS Edge
5: Pinning the chat sidebar currently overlays the application. It would be better if it pushed the form left and the pinned chat window went to the right of the form.
6: I hadn't realized you need to friend .\admin to chat to the host.
Regards, George
Thanks a lot. I already read that. I really just want the grid to take up the available space because I'll often have many rows. For now I just did this which is working:
<div class="portlet-body" style="height:80vh;"> <div busy-if="vm.loading" style="height:100%;"> <div ui-grid="vm.textTypeGridOptions" ui-grid-pagination ui-grid-resize-columns style="height:100%;" dir=@(CultureHelper.IsRtl ? "rtl" : "")></div> </div> </div>