Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "george"

Hi, thanks for the reply. we are using .NET Framework.4.6.1 .

In my webconfig, <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.6.1">

 &lt;httpRuntime targetFramework=&quot;4.5.1&quot; /&gt;

Then i tried <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.6.1" /> too. But same error is happening.

More Suggestions please.....Its been a week i am facing the problem.... need help....


 Thanks for the reply.

Any helps?? :roll:

Hi, We have sent the link to your mail. Please do the needful ASAP.

Thank You.

Hi, We have sent the link to your mail. Thank You.

Any Ideas???

Hi, Don't know when it was started. Because we've created these small pages recently. The issue is visible only when opening these small pages. Other pages were filled up in the screen. So, it cannot be visible even if the issue were existing.

I'm using AspNetZero Angular 1 Version. NetZero Version is -

Oh.. Thank you for the information :D

Hi, Thanks for the tip :) Do you know about any similar settings in azure cloud?

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