Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "geovanimartinez"

Thank you!. I will follow the guide and reference the code. I do believe something like this should be implemented on the aspnetzero xamarin app thou.

Geezzz! I'm sorry, not sure how I overlooked that. Thanks.

That worked. Thanks.

I got the SignalR error mentioned when I did a clean install. After I created a tenant and a user the error went away. Sounds to me that and empty result (user list) may have been the root cause. Figure I share that observation with you all.

What is the best practice for including these additional scripts on a needed basis? I want to add the Searc.css and Search.js

Do i place each file in the respective path shown below?


Or do I create a "Search" directory in src\solution.Web.Mvc\wwwroot\view-resources\Areas\App\Views\ and then put both the Search.css and Search.js in that directory?

What is the best practice you recomend?

Sorry, it appears that you have to login to github in order not to get the 404 page.

This also goes for .DS_Store files being referenced by the Web project. The project references these files but they do not exist (had to manually delete each one). This also breaks continuous deployment builds.

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