Base solution for your next web application
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Activities of "hikalkan"


Yes, my approach is the MS way since we're coding in MS world :)

You're freely to use libraries like fluent validation and create a dedicated validator class for each DTO. This is found tedious by many developers like me. Because, many times DTOs have just simple validation and can be done using data annotations (like models in ASP.NET MVC). So, if I don't allow using data annotations, many developers will find the framework hard to work with. Even many developer can not understand purpose of DTOs well.

So, I choice to be elastic in this area. If you want, don't use data annotations and use validator classes. For me, I use data annotations (and ICustomValidate interface when needed). Most of times it solve the problem. If not, say I should check user name uniqueness, I do it in domain layer. Also, for this example, I think it's not good to check username uniqueness per DTO. It's business layer task and should be independed of any application method or DTO.

It seems not related to ASP.NET Boilerplate. I've no much experience on that. You can search web for log4net configuration.


Application layer is independed from web api layer. So, you can not use Web API attributes here. It currently supports only POST (See docs: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... DynamicApi</a>). But in near future, we will implement Get, Delete and other Http verbs.

Dynamic web api layer is used to simple map application service methods to web api actions. You can use web api controllers as usual if you need custom web api actions.


Thanks. I hope you make use of it.

Module-zero is almost production-ready. Implemented parts are working. We're using it in two production products in my company. I'm actively developing it. But some parts of it may change, and is not documented yet. Documentation will be written in a very near future. If you can understand it from sample project (<a class="postlink" href=""> ... ter/sample</a>) and discussions on forum and github, you can use it now.

Have a nide day.


Startup template is just a minimal template, you should change it upon yor needs. See header.js and header.cshtml in App\Main\views\layout folder of SPA (or Views\Layout_TopMenu.cshtml in MPA). You can change it freely.

For your other questions:

  • ABP uses EntityFramework or NHibernate. You can search web to find articles on working oracle with EF 6. This is not directly related to ABP. Probably you will change connection string and add come dlls to your project.
  • Create a custom repository method (<a class="postlink" href=""> ... oryMethods</a>) and call your stored procedure using Context.Database. You can find many documents on web about that.

Have a nice day.

Yeah, you found it :) Creating a well structured, domain-driven and layered application is not easy. ABP tries to make it easier and straightforward. You can have different models for registration. Simple one is to create users by an admin. Other one is to allow users register themselves using email activation. This is completely upon your needs.


You can extend and use AbpUserManager as shown in module-zero sample. It has all methods to manage (create, update, delete, list, add to roles...) users. You can also use RoleManager. Even you can use repositories if you really need.


I agree that. I'll try to prepare more rich DDD examples in the future.


Yes, it's like that.


What do you mean to deploy entire project? There is only single application (web app) in the solution?

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