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Activities of "hitaspdotnet"

Hi dears, I have migrated my eCommerce app from Core MVC to Angular. I'm verry newbie in Angular. My products images are stored in MyProject.Web.Host/wwwroot/userMedia/* I want to get product images in product-details component. I used base64 encoder and decoder and blob request from angular. Works well. My problem is where the product has presetation Videos (~5MB) or +3 images (1MB for each) I have performance issue. Have you can do this with greate app performance? I searched but I did not find any way. Very very very Thanks for any guide.

Hi, Sorry for newbie question. I want to use some of Angular-Material-Web components in my app e.x image-list / grid-list. According to the Original Documents I need to import a .scss style. Please, can you guide me for this. Thanks in advance.

Hi, I want try to use OU in my project I can't understand ABP original documents. In ABP docs author just focused on getting entities in OUs. So how the entity sets in OU/ChildOU?

In my case, I have a root OU named 'Spaces' and that contains grouped users for example 'Management Team', 'Customer Relation', 'Developers' , etc. The spaces has child spaces for example 'Management Team contains Owners|Moderators' In last, I have entities that should belongs to an Space/ChildSpace and that entities must be available just for Space/ChildSpace users. For example 'Blogs', 'News', 'Files', etc.

I have try this case before reading Abp OU docs by:

  1. Creating Space class
public class Space : FullAuditedEntity, 
        private ICollection<UserGroup> _userGroups;

        public int TenantId { get; set; }

        public int? ParentId { get; set; }

        public virtual string CompanyName { get; set; }
        public virtual string CompanyAddress { get; set; }

        public virtual string CompanyPhoneNumber { get; set; }

        public virtual bool IsPrivate { get; set; }

        public virtual long OwnerId { get; set; }

        public virtual ICollection<UserGroup> UserGroups
            get => _userGroups ?? (_userGroups= new List<UserGroup>());
            protected set => _userGroups= value;

        public ICollection<SpaceTranslation> Translations { get; set; }
  1. Creating Space Contents (Blogs as sample)
public class BlogPost : CreationAuditedEntity,
        private ICollection<BlogComment> _blogComments;

        public int TenantId { get; set; }

        public virtual bool AllowComments { get; set; }

        public virtual string Tags { get; set; }

        public virtual DateTime? StartDateUtc { get; set; }

        public virtual DateTime? EndDateUtc { get; set; }

        public virtual string MetaKeywords { get; set; }

        public virtual string MetaDescription { get; set; }

        public virtual string MetaTitle { get; set; }

        public virtual int SpaceId { get; set; }

        public virtual ICollection<BlogComment> BlogComments
            get => _blogComments ?? (_blogComments = new List<BlogComment>());
            protected set => _blogComments = value;

        public virtual ICollection<BlogPostTranslation> Translations { get; set; }

I think it's can be easier using ABP OU feature, How can you doing this by using Abp OrganizationUnit? Please if possible help me with sample code. Thanks in advance :? :(

Hi, What's different on system files between '5.5' version and 'Dev Branch' version in download page? ~48 MB for 5.5 version ~91 MB Dev Branch version

Before this they had same volumes 44~48 MB

How can you running a task at startup time when your task comes from a plugin? I have a plugin with special tasks and I want complete them before application module initializing but from a plugin in release mode. If I marking my task classes with an interface like IStartupTask then how can I completing tasks with this marker at startup time after *.Core module before *.Application module. I think it's can be done with a class registrar in PreInitialize method of Application module but i don't know how to do :(

Dear support team Hi, I want run the EF runtime migration method by using MyPluginDbContext.Database.Migrate() command in PreInitialize method of MyPluginMvcWebModule if that migrate isn't applied before. But I can't resolve required services for that. I'm trying to resolve DbContext with DbContextProvider and IocManager.Resolve<IHttpContextAccessor>().HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<CMSDbContext>(); Can you guide me please to resolve DbContext services in modules configuration? It's can be helpful for plugins with DbMigration.

Thanks. Best regards.

Hi, Can anyone here help me to migrate this from AutoFac to Windsor please?

private async Task ProcessEvent(string eventName, string message)
            if (_subsManager.HasSubscriptionsForEvent(eventName))
                using (var scope = _autofac.BeginLifetimeScope(AUTOFAC_SCOPE_NAME)) \\\ How can you do tag the scope in Windsor?
                    var subscriptions = _subsManager.GetHandlersForEvent(eventName);
                    foreach (var subscription in subscriptions)
                        if (subscription.IsDynamic)
                            var handler = scope.ResolveOptional(subscription.HandlerType) as IDynamicIntegrationEventHandler;
                            dynamic eventData = JObject.Parse(message);
                            await handler.Handle(eventData);
                            var eventType = _subsManager.GetEventTypeByName(eventName);
                            var integrationEvent = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(message, eventType);
                            var handler = scope.ResolveOptional(subscription.HandlerType);
                            var concreteType = typeof(IIntegrationEventHandler<>).MakeGenericType(eventType);
                            await (Task)concreteType.GetMethod("Handle").Invoke(handler, new object[] { integrationEvent });

Hi, I just started playing around Core + Angular template.

In PhoneBook sample you aren't used Prime DataTable. I want try to add people phone's in CreateOrEditPeople modal as PrimeNG DataTable in new tab with filtering/sorting and action column.

If we have

public ICollection<PhoneDto> Phones { get; set; }

property in GetPeopleForEdit class's, How you can import Data as PrimeNG DataTable in modal from that model?

Even a brief guide gives me a lot of help Thank you very much


How can you remove items from cache by key pattern when using ITypedCache?

I want remove only just updated entities in myAppService

Please give me an example. Thank you

Hi, I'm trying to build a multi-service program. If your service user's has different entity property and roles in each service:

  1. How can you manage authorizations with multiple tenants?
  2. How can you store their entity in DB out of AbpUsers?

Example: We have two services named Commerce and LMS(Learning Management System) , Users naming Customer for Commerce service and Student for LMS. So their have own properties like Shopping cart items, addresses for customers or Courses, Tests for students.

What is the best way to implement this scenario? :!: :?: :? Thank you for any kind of help. ;) :(

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