Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "hodor"


Hello, for some reason, i want to rename my project. If i follow through []) this example would i acquire it succesfully since abp framework holds a lot of feature behind the scene. Did anyone try this before?


I'm able to create a user by using facebook login that abp provides. But after that, even if the actual account has been set it does not automatically logs me in and second time i try to login with facebook button it's again tries to create an account with the same credentials and throws duplicate account kind of error. Any work around from someone who already handled this sutiation.

Yes, thank you. I've tried and it solved my problem.


My project's current entity frame work in web.config is <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.6.1"> like that. I have published it to a hosting provider. Their server does not run 4.6.1 so as they say if i revert it to 4.5.2 it would work. But i was wondering if something would occur abp side if i do it?

Does anyone have any idea?

Thanks in advance.


After i published mpa project to a hosting provider, i cannot upload my profile picture due to the following error.

This request has been blocked because sensitive information could be disclosed to third party web sites when this is used in a GET request. To allow GET requests, set JsonRequestBehavior to AllowGet.

Below is the method that abp uses to upload picture, I do not want to interfere with abp's origin code, but i think i will have to do that. How should i do that. Thanks in advance.

public JsonResult UploadProfilePicture() { try { //Check input if (Request.Files.Count <= 0 || Request.Files[0] == null) { throw new UserFriendlyException(L("ProfilePicture_Change_Error")); }

            var file = Request.Files[0];

            if (file.ContentLength &gt; 5242880) //1MB.
                throw new UserFriendlyException(L("ProfilePicture_Warn_SizeLimit"));

            //Check file type & format
            var fileImage = Image.FromStream(file.InputStream);
            if (!fileImage.RawFormat.Equals(ImageFormat.Jpeg) && !fileImage.RawFormat.Equals(ImageFormat.Png))
                throw new ApplicationException("Uploaded file is not an accepted image file !");

            //Delete old temp profile pictures
            AppFileHelper.DeleteFilesInFolderIfExists(_appFolders.TempFileDownloadFolder, "userProfileImage_" + AbpSession.GetUserId());

            //Save new picture
            var fileInfo = new FileInfo(file.FileName);
            var tempFileName = "userProfileImage_" + AbpSession.GetUserId() + fileInfo.Extension;
            var tempFilePath = Path.Combine(_appFolders.TempFileDownloadFolder, tempFileName);

            using (var bmpImage = new Bitmap(tempFilePath))
                return Json(new MvcAjaxResponse(new { fileName = tempFileName, width = bmpImage.Width, height = bmpImage.Height }));
        catch (UserFriendlyException ex)
            return Json(new MvcAjaxResponse(new ErrorInfo(ex.Message)));


I assume that i configured smtp settings accuretly as my provider informs me. I try manually to send or receive mail and accomplished. But when i try to register a new account or send forgot password link it gives me following error. I've also tried to implement my own custom mail system with the same credentials and it was working.

"User not local; please try a different path. The server response was: This mail server requires authentication before sending mail from a locally hosted domain. Please reconfigure your mail client to authenticate before sending mail."

My successfull attempt was also on azure with my custom mailing system including same credentials. I configured it already as my provider suggested me to. I still get no clue.

Problem still occurs! My hosting provider says it's about my code. I am able to send e-mail via my host with my custom credentials but abp. So im not able to provide forgot password feature to users. And also when registering i've set isEmailConfirmed to true in order to complete process succesfully.

I have tried every possible combination of abp's email settings. But it kept saying me that my request was unauthorized. Then i implemented my custom e-mail sender class and i could manage send mail but this time another error throwed up by abp side. (it may be related that my mail sender method was not async. ) So no clue to solve this annoying problem.

I was wondering that if your open source project boilerplate will also support angular 2 ? That would be great if so.

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