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Activities of "hra"

Hi there,

There is alot of code, sharing is not easy. I could have a remote session with you however, and walk you through it. I think the issue comes from the fact that when the DevExpress report server generates the actual report, it's no longer executing within the http request that the initial controllers were created through. It's a horrible "background thread" approach that just seems to cause issues - unfortunately, its how the DevExpress report server is designed to work - and I don't see it changing any time soon.

When I dump the stack trace, it doesnt contain any frames from above the Controller - no frames, no Castle Windsor, Abp or AspNetZero... so I think it's a newly spawned thread.

One thing I would like to try, is fully re-initializing the DI container for my controller. Can you provide me with example code on how to fully initialize the DI container?

i.e, how do I create the ServiceCollection and populate it with all the same convention registered services, logging, etc....


Hi @velu,

We are also recently considering this undertaking - I would be interested to see how you went about achieving this. Could you please also share your code with me at [email protected]

Thank you and regards,

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