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Activities of "hugan"

Well, here is a sample.

This is the test code,that in UnitOfWorkManager_Tests class of Abp.Tests projoect, at row 16 ~ 21:

                Component.For<IUnitOfWork>().UsingFactoryMethod(() => fakeUow).LifestyleSingleton()

but the UnitOfWorkDefaultOptions and UnitOfWorkManager live in Abp project, and is really internal class, such as :

internal class UnitOfWorkDefaultOptions : IUnitOfWorkDefaultOptions
internal class UnitOfWorkManager : IUnitOfWorkManager, ITransientDependency

May be I miss something?

Hi, I has found that in test project of ABP, test class can access internal class of ABP, that really confused me. I create a test solution bu it didn't work work.

Is there any secret? :?: :?:

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