Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ibrahim_fakeh"

in Latest version core .net 8 with Angular after generating the entity this error will show up: There is no argument given that corresponds to the required parameter 'localizationManager' of 'MiniExcelExcelImporterBase<ImportMachineDto>.MiniExcelExcelImporterBase(ILocalizationManager)' .Application\Lab\Admin\Importing\MachineListExcelDataReader.cs the name of the entity is Machine

I am working on ASP.NET MVC Core project. Latest version 13.2 I want to split my project to be more than one business module, to translate that I want to create for each business module to has an MVC Area for example HRArea, PayrollArea ect.. the issue is: when generation the entity using the power tool there is no field of the Area, there is only namespace (when changing the namespace it will effect the Application layer). how to place the controller file on the the new Area.

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