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Activities of "ignasiclos"

Hello, I'm getting the following error "ng build --prod"

ERROR in Error during template compile of 'MainModule' Function calls are not supported in decorators but 'InputEditorModule' was called.

Any suggestion? Thanks

Hello, We've some permissions that only applies when a feature is activated, and we want them hidden in the edit role popup. It looks like it is not possible out of the box.

Any idea? Thanks

Angular 8

It worked perfectly. Thanks!

I need to set the default culture to the tenant culture.

When it there is no cookie, it is using the browser culture. I've tried to read the cookie from a custom UserConfigurationController, but the cookies are always empty :

I've also tried to follow the default culture in Abp, and I've found that it is set in the CurrentCultureSetter class, that it is part of the Abp.Web project, that is build for framework 4.6 In my case I'm using .net core, so this method is not acually used.

So I cannot find a way to use the tenant default language. Thanks

The tenants has their default language set correctly.

What I need is that the application is served by default in the tenant default language, instead of the browser.

I made it by inserting a new RequestCultureProvider :

That returns the tenant default language when user is null and tenant is not null


We're using EVOPdf library to print html to pdf.

As EvoPDF can't run in Azure in the app itself, it has to run in a separated worker. The problem is that I've to print a page inside the aspnetzero app where the user has to be authenticated.

Could I somehow take the current access token and set it to the request made by the pdf engine.? If not, I'm thinking of creating a single use token to pass to the url, so the authentication is skipped, but seems a bit tricky.

On the other hand, can I have some public pages inside the authenticated app?

Any idea? Thanks

Thanks, not sure if this solves my problem.

I don't need to access a controller anonymously, but be able to access a view of the application without beign authenticated. I mean, the pdf printer engine need as a parameter the url of the page to be printed, and because this is a background process I cannot authenticate it.

Hi @ismcagdas,

EvoPdf offers some ways of authentication, but not with token. I've made it by creating creating routes without guard in the angular application, an protecting them with a single use token, included in the url to print by the pdf engine.


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