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Activities of "imran2808"

Thank you. The css I used was not correct. Its working now.

Hi @ismcagdas,

I am eagerly waiting for this. Can you reply if this can be done or we have to look for an alternative. I am ablet to hook up the wizard js, but still no luck on wizard css file. please provide the solution asap.

Regards, Imran.

Hi @ismcagdas, any update on this?

Hi @ismcagdas,

I have mailed the code link. Please download and have a look.

Regards, Imran.

I have shard the code via GitHub by sending the request to code repo. Please accept and download the code. Also I tried to add the Wizard in main menu and have removed the steps. Still it not working. Please have a look ASAP.

Thank you. Imran.

@ismcagdas any update?

Yes, I have included the css in angular.json

Thanks for the reply. Yes I did as per other metroic styles. still its not renedering as expected. The wizard has the dependency or "kt-portlet" even I included those styles also, but still its same. Can I get some sample steps to integrate any Metronic Component into this framework. It will be a great help.

Thanks, Imran.

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