Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "instaemi"

URL: Request: { "FirstName": "padma", "surname": "tadikonda", "emailAddress": "[email protected]", "PhoneNumber": "0000000000", "registerToken": "0f98fe57-2c85-4c80-8e84-004962316b06 ", "AffiliateId":"sampleID", "TransactionId ":"235446547-166" } please check the image

hi, we are usinh the MVC 5,Jquery core 2.2 application with version abp 7.2 we are trying to send request in account app service by using Postman and swagger UI, in swagger UI Its working fine,but postman its gives 400 error . The same service methods in version 6.9 try to send the through postman its working fine, but we need 7.2 how we test the services with out swagger UI,and authorizion in postman

public class RequiredIfAttribute : ValidationAttribute
         private readonly string _condition;
         public RequiredIfAttribute(string condition)
             _condition = condition;
         protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
             Delegate conditionFunction = CreateExpression(
 validationContext.ObjectType, _condition);
             bool conditionMet = (bool) conditionFunction.DynamicInvoke(
             if (conditionMet)
                 if (value == null)
                     return new ValidationResult(FormatErrorMessage(null));
             return null;
         private Delegate CreateExpression(Type objectType, string expression)
             // TODO - add caching
             LambdaExpression lambdaExpression =
                                objectType, typeof (bool), expression);
             Delegate func = lambdaExpression.Compile();
             return func;

these code we need "DynamicQuery" dll when we install core-shared libary we get the build errors in mobile projects


We are using the Asp.Net Core Mvc 5+jquery application we are trying to implement Required If Valiadtion but it is not working our application and ddl also not supporting how to acheive the Required If Suppose one filed is data some set fileds are required other wise it not required we are following this link


we are using core mvc with jquery application,how to generate sitemap in our application

we are using the default culture en-GB not en in that also Abp, AbpWeb, AbpZero localization not loaded how to resolve the problem

while create new user for existing user name we want where message need update or change

we are using Abp.ZeroCore, Version=, application version v6.9.1and English language

Hi! I try to create new user for existing Username with latest ASP.Net Zero V4.5.0.0 (ASP.Net Core MVC + Jquery) application with indentity server,SAML Plugin also enabled in our project we get error message like that [Identity.Duplicate user name] previously User name '****' is already taken

Hi, we are usinh the MVC 5,Jquery core application we are trying to send request by using Postman and swagge UI also But I am getting Error 400?

please find the screenshots

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