Lately I was observing that our app server (Zero 8.1, .net Core) was occupying up to the limit of 100 db sessions/connections. So when I opened like PgAdmin, that resulted in PostgresException 53300, because the default pool config is also 100 connections. Yes, there was some more load on the app server than usual, but I'm observing that almost all sessions are in "idle" state with "Wait Event" "Client: ClientRead", "COMMIT" being the last SQL statement I guess. And "Last state changed at" is way more than 300 seconds for most of the sessions, many of them were several days old (300 seconds should be the default "Connection Idle Lifetime" from Postgres):
I don't think that this is normal behavior, or is it..? I also tested with Zero 12.1, it seems to behave the same and initiates a couple of sessions directly after startup. Those remain in the same idle state, too.
Thanks upfront!