Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ismcagdas"


Do you get it when building the project or at runtime ?



HomeController's Index action does that. You can make a redirection to ApplicationController's Index action in there.


Relations of User and Tenant are deleted for Database Per Tenant architecture. If you are using single database, you can add those relations.


Abp removes all web api formatters expect Json formatter by default. You can override PostInitialize of your WebApi module and add a xml formatter.

Define a xml formatter like below,

public class CustomXmlFormatter : XmlMediaTypeFormatter
    public ZeroXmlFormatter()
        UseXmlSerializer = true;
public override void PostInitialize()
        new CustomXmlFormatter()


You should inject 'ui.grid.resizeColumns' in app.js, it is not injected by default.

var appModule = angular.module("app", [ "ui.router", "ui.bootstrap", 'ui.utils', "ui.jq", 'ui.grid', 'ui.grid.pagination', 'ui.grid.resizeColumns' "oc.lazyLoad", "ngSanitize", 'angularFileUpload', 'daterangepicker', 'angularMoment', 'frapontillo.bootstrap-switch', 'abp' ]);

Please see <a class="postlink" href=""></a>


Since you wanted to assign subscriptions to users not tenants, you dont need features and editions.

Of course you can do it without depending of aspnetzero infrastructure, but in that way you need to check subscriptions of user for necessary parts of your application.


In your case, if there is a single tenant, you cannot use Features. Because Features are grouped in editions and editions cannot be assigned directly to users. You can assign editions to tenants.

You can define a permission in your case and check that permission for necessary parts of your web page.

In the future you might need some extra permisisons for subscribed users, so it's better to create a Role named "Subscribed" (or something like that :)) and group permissions in this role. Then assign this role to Subscribed users.


Have you added new entities (ChatMessage and Friendship) to your DbContext ? Because if they are in your dbContext, last added migration shouldn't delete those tables.


Have you seen this topic #1424@f78179c2-cccb-4c13-bf6e-555ff4d4c10a ? It might give you an idea about it.


Is the related controller or action method have some attributes ?

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