Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ismcagdas"



Does this error happens on your development machine when you are debugging with visual studio ?

Can you try to debug your project and send a screenshot of the same error ? Because in your screenshot javascript files are bundled and minified, it's very hard to understand what the error is.


Do you have an assembly binding on your web config ? Adding something like this might solve your problem.

    <assemblyIdentity name="Newtonsoft.Json" publicKeyToken="30ad4fe6b2a6aeed" culture="neutral" />
    <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />


Abp converts a datetime to local datetime if you use LocalClockProvider as Clock.Provider. I think this is probably the your case. Can you check the value of Clock.Provider ?

You can use UtcClockProvider but in that case, all datetimes will be stored in UTC in database and will be sent to client in UTC.


It seems like you are trying to initialize AbpWebModule twice. Can you share your website logs ? Maybe we can understand whic module is missusing the AbpWebModule.


Details of the error should be written the logs.txt file under Logs folder of your web project.


Yes you should add a dependency to AbpZero.EntityFramework.


Abp and AspNet Zero does not offer such a feature for now. We have an issue for this one but we dont know when it will be implemented.

Maybe messages in this issue might give you an idea <a class="postlink" href=""> ... /issues/50</a>



Can you a screenshot of your developer console where you catch this error ? Maybe we can figure out why it happens.


It seems liek you are using this version <a class="postlink" href=""> ... g/v1.9.1.1</a>. I have downloaded this release and tried to send a notification (just entered .../Account/TestNotification to browser) and it seems like it's working.

So, it's not related to Abp 0.8.4.

There are two things comes to my mind,

1 ) is there any other code after app.MapSignalR(); in your Startup.cs's configure method ? 2) Is there any other tab/browser window opened with the same account. Because for your version (Abp 0.8.4), the notification will be sent to only last opened browser window/tab.


There is no reason actually, we will implement it as you suggested. Please follow <a class="postlink" href=""> ... issues/235</a>

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