Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ismcagdas"


If users are going to use this short url directly (enter the page by writing short url to browser address bar and press enter), you need to handle it on MVC site. You can define a database table for mapping short url to long url and configure routes like this,

    new {controller = "ShortUrl", action = "Index", name = UrlParameter.Optional}

If this short url's are going to be used in angular app as inline urls, then you need to handle it on angular side This post has a sample plunker about it <a class="postlink" href=""> ... 9#23853129</a>

This is the sample plunker <a class="postlink" href=""></a>


Can you share your data sent to UploadFiles from client if it is possible. I couldn't reproduce the error.

It should be something like this,

public virtual User User { get; set; }

public virtual long UserId { get; set; }


On the login method, after getting user's id and tenantId, you can use OnlineClientManager's IsOnline or GetAllByUserId extension methods to check if user is already online or already has a connected client.

The you can cancel (signout ) the current login attepmt and return appropriate response to client.


If you are using momentjs in your project, convertToUserTimezone in abp.js is overriden by abp.moment.js.

momentjs timezone library handles timezones nicely. I think your incorrect date is related to browser.

For example when you run below code in chrome and firefox the write different date objects.

var momentDate = moment(new Date());
var targetDate = momentDate.clone().tz("America/Tijuana");
targetDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ")

But if you look at the offset property of moment date object, it's -420 (-07:00), which is correct. The formatted value of date object is "2016-07-25 13:06:28-07:00" which is also correct and same on both browsers.

You can try same code on different browsers to compare results.

I hope this helps.


You should update Abp.* nuget packages by command (by package manager). For new Features of AspNet Zero, you need to manually merge them into your solution.


How do you want to use User table's data ? User entity is alredy included in DbContet.

You can get users by UserManager class.


Please check this issue <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ssues/1209</a>

Yes, that is right.


First of all, I offer you not to use entities in Dto's. Create Dtos for Widget and DashboardModuleUser (I assume this is an entity as well) and use them in DashboardDto.

When you get Dashboard data from database, also include Widgets and include WidgetTemplates in your LinQ query, then map it to DashboardDto.

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