Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ismcagdas"

Your solution is good enough, thank you for sharing. As a side note, if you are updating an entity, first get it from database, then map your dto to it.


For your first case, do you see any exception message on chrome's developer console ?

for select2, you have to include select2 javascript & css files. On your page's document ready event just call select2 function on your html select element

      placeholder: "Select",
      width: 'auto', 
      allowClear: true

For datepicker or datetimepicker, you should do the same.



I couldn't reproduce your problem. Can you comment this line and try again ?

await _phoneRepository.UpdateAsync(phoneToUpdate);

I have tried a similar scenario and it worked as expected for me. Can you share your Phone entity, so i can make a more realistic test.

No, I think it is not related to your Dtos. PartnerPhoneDto seems ok.

Is your "EditPartner" method in an application service ? Can you share it's latest version you have tried ?


Have you tried like this ?

await _phoneRepository.InsertAsync(phone);
await CurrentUnitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();


Sorry for the late response. I have created a sample project to test your case.

I think you need to run below code in your cshtml after you include Login.js. You define CurrentPage, but you dont initialize it.

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {


For the file upload, you can check ChangeProfilePicture action of ProfileController and changePicture.js for the client side. For the image gallery, if you are building a SPA, you can use somethin like this <a class="postlink" href=""></a>.


If it is not going to be a problem, can you share full versions of your controller and view ? Then we can look into it more deeply.


This issue is moved to <a class="postlink" href=""> ... issues/183</a> and fixed as well. You need to update your abp nuget packages.

But if you upgrade v0.9.0.0 or above there is a breaking change about DATABASE PER TENANT ARCHITECTURE. <a class="postlink" href=""> ... g/v0.9.0.0</a>

If you dont want this breaking change just update your abp packages to 0.8.4.

Also, if you can share your github username, we can invite you to private repository.

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