Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ismcagdas"


Probably you will need to change your method signature like this.

GetMessagesByRequestId(IdInput input)

and load child table like this

msgdata.childTable.jtable('load', {id:});

If this does not work, Can you share your request details on Chrome's network tab. And also "getMessagesByRequestId" method's signature.

I hope it helps.


I did not test this code but you can try it like this.

In the UserAppService's GetUsers method, first get admin role by name. Then add a WhereIf to users query like below. Filter users with admin role if current user does not have permission to see Admin users.

var adminRole = await _roleManager.GetRoleByNameAsync(StaticRoleNames.Tenants.Admin);
var query = UserManager.Users
	.Include(u => u.Roles)
		u =>
			u.Name.Contains(input.Filter) ||
			u.Surname.Contains(input.Filter) ||
			u.UserName.Contains(input.Filter) ||
	).WhereIf(UserDoesNotHavePermissionToSeeAdminUsers, u=> !u.Roles.Any(r=> r.RoleId == adminRole.Id));

I hope this helps.


You can do it in OnModelCreating of your db context for a single property like this.

modelBuilder.Entity<YourEntity>().Property(p => p.YourProperty).HasPrecision(18, 3);

Then add necessay EF code first migration and update your database.


You are right. We were using this property in the previous versions but it's not used anymore. It will be removed in the next release.

Can you describe steps for evaluating your problem about highlighting active menu item. We will try to fix it as well.

In the mean time you can check handleSidebarMenuActiveLink function in "metronic\assets\admin\layout4\scripts\layout.js" file to investigate your problem.


It's actually related to angular ui-grid. You can check this post #995@91f7696f-0b7c-4350-abd4-3eff9960b066

There is no proper fix or workaround for that right now.


Which browser & virus program do you use ?


I forgot the mention, don't change the default mapping for webapi with name "DefaultApi". Instead, add a second mapping and give it an another name.

This routing configuration might break calls to Zero dynamic web api actions. Please test it and use it carefully :).


You need to implement IScriptProxyGenerator for ExtJS in order ExtJs ajax calls to work with dynamic web api services. Then you need to use your custom ExtJSProxyGenerator class instead of AngularProxyGenerator.

You can inspire from current angular proxy generator <a class="postlink" href=""> ... nerator.cs</a>.

I hope this helps.


For current web api routing configuration, more than one post/get action is not allowed in a controller. You can create another controller or change the web api route config.

Current web api route config does not contain action parameter, so change it like this.

	name: "DefaultApi",
	routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
	defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }


After downloading necessary files,

1 - You need to add paths of scripts to ScriptPaths.cs, paths of styles to StylePaths.cs. 2 - Add those paths to AppBundleConfig. 3 - At last, you need to add your directive to app.js file under App folder

var appModule = angular.module("app", [
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