Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ismcagdas"


For the constants, i would do the localization on the client as well. Lets assume you have consts for status like 'NotStarted', 'InProgress' etc.

Add localization with key 'Const_Status_InProgress', and add a function to localize in helper.js like

app.localizeStatus = function (status) {
       return app.localize('Const_Status_' + status);

use app.localizeStatus in the client.

I hope this works for you.


Exposing enums to client is in the roadmap of ABP but it doesn't have a determined release date yet.

For now, you can define your enums on the client like this. (This code is taken from <a class="postlink" href=""> ... e/pull/378</a>, thakns to jefftindall :))

abp.constant.status = {
    notStarted: 0,
    inProgress: 10,
    draft: 20,
    cancelled: 90,
    completed: 100,
    values: [
        { name: 'NotStarted', value: 0, localizedName: 'Enum_Status_NotStarted' },
        { name: 'InProgress', value: 10, localizedName: 'Enum_Status_InProgress' },
        { name: 'Draft', value: 20, localizedName: 'Enum_Status_Draft' },
        { name: 'Cancelled', value: 90, localizedName: 'Enum_Status_Cancelled' },
        { name: 'Completed', value: 100, localizedName: 'Enum_Status_Completed' }]

Then in the angular grid, you can find localized name using underscore like this,

var localizedStatusName = _.where(abp.constant.status.values, { value:0 }).localizedName;

I hope this helps.


Yes you can. You can download metronic theme here <a class="postlink" href=""> ...</a>



Just add "page-footer-fixed" class to body element.



You need to write a custom directive for that. Please see this plunkr <a class="postlink" href=""></a>

I hope it helps.


Can you share the error. Output script seems good.


Please check this forum topic. #629@43961a3a-467c-4526-952c-e706e12a9249


You can check CreateTenant method of TenantAppService in ASP.NET Zero source code.


Same situation is answered here. #668@37243a73-e69b-4f6c-b607-73f85972ce49

I hope this helps.


For the HangFire, it might be related to log4net. Which version of log4net do you use on your project ?

Can you also share signature of your "SaveLocalizedValue" method ?

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