Do you still have this error ? Can you share your logs and final code of service and controller ?
Did you execute "Add-Migration" After upgrading Module Zero to 0.8.3. If you did, can you share the generated migration code ?
You can disable chrome css maps.
See <a class="postlink" href="https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/settings#css-source-maps">https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/d ... ource-maps</a> Just disable if it is enabled.
Did you solve the problem ?
This might give you an idea <a class="postlink" href="http://aspnetzero.com/Faq">http://aspnetzero.com/Faq</a> see section #HOW TO UPGRADE EXISTING APPLICATIONS WHEN A NEW VERSION IS AVAILABLE?
Mentioned modes DEBUG and RELEASE are Visual Studio's modes, the way you run your project on Visual Studio.
For the enviroments, there is nothing special for ASP.NET Zero. You can select environments for your project in your own way.
It has many criterias like the size of project, fault tolerance, customer needs etc :).
- a notification to be received by every users if we don't specify a tenant nor a user
This is not right. This notification will be sent to subscribed users of current tenant.
The other two cases are correct but notifications are sent to subscribed users only.
You can find more about notifications here if you haven't read it yet. <a class="postlink" href="http://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Notification-System">http://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Docu ... ion-System</a>
After running your application, can you try to go "http://localhost:xxx/Account/Logout" and login again ?
In the owin startup class "Startup.cs", SignalR mapping must be placed just before HangFire configuration at the end of Configuration method.
app.UseHangfireDashboard(); //Should be removed if not using Hangfire as background job manager
Let us know if it does not work.
Can you try to publish website to your local IIS and see if this error happens ? If it does not happen, you can compare differencese between your local PC and server.
What is the operating system on published server ? It might be related to that.