Hi @kansoftware
Do you mean separete Apps ? If so, you can create a new application service project and a web project which will host services under the new AppService. Then, you can place all Get methods to newly created Application project.
Hi @nexgenvisibility
For the next version v10.0, we are focusing on .NET 9 upgrade. So, these features will not be added for the short term. Here are my answer to your questions;
enum. Then, you need to search for example usages of PaymentPeriodType.Annual
and implement weekly accordingly.Since we get many requests for these features/enhancements, I will add these items to v10.1 for evaluation.
You can try the solution below;
public class MyCustomDocFilter : IDocumentFilter
public void Apply(OpenApiDocument swaggerDoc, DocumentFilterContext context)
as shown below;private void ConfigureSwagger(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
Can you use it in your code ? It might be coming from a library you are using.
Hi @kalidarscope
There must be a class named Duration
defined on the server side. Could you search your project and see if it exists ?
Hi @huntethan89
Your Startup file seems fine. Is it possible to share your latest source code with [email protected] ? We will investigate your project to detect possible causes.
Hi @dominici
We don' suggest setting useConventionalHttpVerbs = false
. If you are going to use Angular as your client app, we are using NSWAG and it will auto-generate client proxy classes for you.
Hi @huntethan89
Could you share your final Startup.cs ?
Did you follow this document https://docs.aspnetzero.com/en/aspnet-core-angular/latest/Deployment-Angular-Docker ?
Hi @mittera
Thanks for sharing your solution :) I hope it will not cause any issues in the future.