Hi @pliaspzero
Yes, this is definitely related to multiple instances. I suggest you to check https://docs.aspnetzero.com/aspnet-core-angular/latest/Clustered-Environment
Hi @Loizos
I think there is no need to create separate project for this. You can create an interface and call it inside your application service or whenever you need to execute this code block.
Then, you can create its implementation on the Web layer or application layer depending on your needs. Currently, it seems like Web layer is more appropriate.
Hi @ptaylor,
You can add your GitHub user on https://aspnetzero.com/LicenseManagement or you can send your Github username to [email protected] so we can invite you. Then, you can see the content of the link.
Could you follow this issue https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/issues/5399. You can implement the workaround offered here as a temporary fix https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/issues/5399#issuecomment-2358375816
Hi @kalidarscope
Could you send an email to [email protected] about this ? We will help you.
Hi @kansoftware
Do you mean separete Apps ? If so, you can create a new application service project and a web project which will host services under the new AppService. Then, you can place all Get methods to newly created Application project.
Hi @nexgenvisibility
For the next version v10.0, we are focusing on .NET 9 upgrade. So, these features will not be added for the short term. Here are my answer to your questions;
enum. Then, you need to search for example usages of PaymentPeriodType.Annual
and implement weekly accordingly.Since we get many requests for these features/enhancements, I will add these items to v10.1 for evaluation.
You can try the solution below;
public class MyCustomDocFilter : IDocumentFilter
public void Apply(OpenApiDocument swaggerDoc, DocumentFilterContext context)
as shown below;private void ConfigureSwagger(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
Can you use it in your code ? It might be coming from a library you are using.