Hi Aaron
I have changed the the below LINQ
but it seems the output still cannot get the ProductApprovals object
I have attached the Domain Entity for your reference too. please advise. Thanks a lot
var output = from p in
p => p.Colour,
p => p.Unit,
p => p.Serie,
p => p.Brand,
p => p.Supplier,
p => p.ProductCategory1,
p => p.ProductCategory2,
p => p.ProductCategory3,
p => p.ProductCategory4,
p => p.MinQuantities,
p => p.CreatorUser,
p => p.CreatorUser.Company
).Include(p => p.ProductApprovals) // Include relationship
.ThenInclude(pa => pa.Approver1) // ThenInclude nested relationship
where Filter.FilterUtil.FilterForGetProduct(p, input)
select p;
I find that the GetAllIncluding is not stable
The below is the code that i link all related object out
but from my screenshot, you can see sometimes it can map to the object ProductApproval.Approver1 and sometimes i can't.
Is it because my apsnetboilerplate framework is on version 2.0.2?
should i update to the latest aspnetboilerplate framework?
private IEnumerable<Product> GetProduct(FilterInput input)
var output = from p in
p => p.Colour,
p => p.Unit,
p => p.Serie,
p => p.Brand,
p => p.Supplier,
p => p.ProductCategory1,
p => p.ProductCategory2,
p => p.ProductCategory3,
p => p.ProductCategory4,
p => p.MinQuantities,
p => p.ProductApprovals,
p => p.CreatorUser,
p => p.CreatorUser.Company
where Filter.FilterUtil.FilterForGetProduct(p, input)
select p;
return output;
I am now using the Aspnet Boilerplate framework
may i know how to debug the Entity Framework now ?
if i want to check the SQL statement generate by EF, where should i configure now ? Thanks
Thanks my problem is solved
Also, it is fine, my data is small , so performance should be ok. THanks
if i break down to 2 linq query, it will work
var query = (from q in _clientRepository.GetAllIncluding(dd => dd.Counterparty, ee => ee.ClientContact)
select q).ToList();
query = (from c in query
join ct in _companyTypeRepository.GetAllList() on c.Type_Id equals ct.Id into allType
from c1 in allType.DefaultIfEmpty()
join bn in _businessNatureRepository.GetAllList() on c.Nature_Id equals bn.Id into allNature
from c2 in allNature.DefaultIfEmpty()
join pm in _clientContactRepository.GetAllList() on c.PurchaseManager_Id equals pm.Id into allPMgr
from c3 in allPMgr.DefaultIfEmpty()
join pp in _clientContactRepository.GetAllList() on c.PurchasePerson_Id equals pp.Id into allPPerson
from c4 in allPPerson.DefaultIfEmpty()
join cp in _userRepository.GetAllList() on c.ContactPerson_Id equals cp.Id into allContactPerson
from c5 in allContactPerson.DefaultIfEmpty()
select c).ToList();
Now when i try to do a left outer join with other repo,
The GetAllIncluding doesn't work
if i don't have the join, it works like a champ?
Do you have any idea? Thanks
var query = (from c in _clientRepository.GetAllIncluding(co => co.Counterparty, cc => cc.ClientContact)
join ct in _companyTypeRepository.GetAll() on c.Type_Id equals ct.Id into allType
from c1 in allType.DefaultIfEmpty()
join bn in _businessNatureRepository.GetAll() on c.Nature_Id equals bn.Id into allNature
from c2 in allNature.DefaultIfEmpty()
join pm in _clientContactRepository.GetAll() on c.PurchaseManager_Id equals pm.Id into allPMgr
from c3 in allPMgr.DefaultIfEmpty()
join pp in _clientContactRepository.GetAll() on c.PurchasePerson_Id equals pp.Id into allPPerson
from c4 in allPPerson.DefaultIfEmpty()
join cp in _userRepository.GetAll() on c.ContactPerson_Id equals cp.Id into allContactPerson
from c5 in allContactPerson.DefaultIfEmpty()
select c).ToList();
seems like if i want to include 2 different collection list
i should use from c in _clientRepository.GetAllIncluding(client => client.Counterparty , bb =>bb.ContactPerson)
What if i also want to include counterparty ? Use &&?
Hi all
My Domain is in
[Table("Client")] public class Client : FullAuditedEntity<int,User> { public string Name { get; set; } public string NameEn { get; set; } public string ShortName { get; set; } public string Address { get; set; } public string AddressEn { get; set; } public string Website { get; set; } public string SocialCreditCode { get; set; } public DateTimeOffset? Registration { get; set; } public DateTimeOffset? ValidUntil { get; set; } public decimal? OperationYear { get; set; } public decimal? Capital { get; set; } public string Representative { get; set; } public string MainProduct { get; set; } public int? CheckDate { get; set; }
public CompanyType Type { get; set; }
public int? Type_Id { get; set; }
public BusinessNature Nature { get; set; }
public int? Nature_Id { get; set; }
public ClientContact PurchasePerson { get; set; }
public int? PurchasePerson_Id { get; set; }
public ClientContact PurchaseManager { get; set; }
public int? PurchaseManager_Id { get; set; }
public User ContactPerson { get; set; }
public long? ContactPerson_Id { get; set; }
public List<Counterparty> Counterparty { get; set; }
public List<ClientContact> ClientContact { get; set; }
public bool Disuse { get; set; }
For the service layer, how do i get a GetAllClient LINQ , if i have one to many relationship between Client and Counterparty.
Please advise. Thanks a lot
How about the Service layer and the DTO ?
can i have some example ?