Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "iyhammad"


I tried to follow the steps you mentioned above.

Here is my Core Module Class

[DependsOn(typeof(AbpZeroCoreModule),typeof(AbpZeroLdapModule))] public class MyCoreModule : AbpModule { public override void PreInitialize() {

        Configuration.MultiTenancy.IsEnabled = false;


    public override void Initialize()
        SettingManager settingsManager = IocManager.Resolve<SettingManager>();

        settingsManager.ChangeSettingForTenant(1,LdapSettingNames.IsEnabled, "true");
        settingsManager.ChangeSettingForTenant(1,LdapSettingNames.Domain, "dream2.local");
        settingsManager.ChangeSettingForTenant(1,LdapSettingNames.UserName, "iyhammad");
        settingsManager.ChangeSettingForTenant(1,LdapSettingNames.Password, "P@ssw0rd");
        settingsManager.ChangeSettingForTenant(1,LdapSettingNames.ContextType, "");
        settingsManager.ChangeSettingForTenant(1,LdapSettingNames.Container, "");

But I got this error when initializing Abp.AbpException: There is no setting defined with name: Abp.Zero.Ldap.IsEnabled

I tried to sset the settings for both the default Tenant and the application and I got the same exception.

I faced this issue before. The Issue simply is, there are some part of your code that requires DbConnection and it's executing before the registration of the the Effort. this happens a lot with the Migration initialization. my issue was I've the Migration initialization part of the Data Module init function which requires DbConnection and it executes before the Effort DbConnection registeration. What I did is i moved the migration initialization to the static constructor of the DbContext (I don't know if this is the best practices or not.) and it worked.

Please make sure the call is post not get.


LDAP Authentication is working perfectly. you can start here <a class="postlink" href=""> ... -directory</a>


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