Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "j.chow"

Thanks for your solution.

I have added following code into default.cshtml and top.cshtml

    @for (var i = 0; i < Model.Menu.Items.Count; i++)
        var menuItem = Model.Menu.Items[i];
       *** if (!menuItem.IsVisible)
        @await Html.PartialAsync("Components/AppMenu/_UserMenuItem", new UserMenuItemViewModel
            MenuItem = menuItem,
            MenuItemIndex = i,
            RootLevel = true,
            CurrentPageName = Model.CurrentPageName

i want to use IsVisible to show/hide menu item. but expect top level menu item Abp zero: core mvc 7.3.1

Hi yekalkan,

Could you please give me more details to fix it.

develop environment Abp zero 7.2.3 Redtool 2.04 vs2017 win10 eng

Hi maliming,

ANSI encoding by default. All files generated with Redtool are also ANSI encoding.

i write some chinese in file XunyisoftSmartAppDbContext.cs. but when i use redtool to create new entity, chinese changed to messy code.

hi maliming,

i just use red tools add a entity and add some code in appdbcontext.cs。

the MayHaveOrganizationUnit data filter is working correct.

but when i remove the express from CreateFilterExpression method and add SetFilterParameter method in entity application service, that is not working.

how can i share the code? need whiole solution?

product core mvc jquery 7.2.3


i just want to add data filter in some application service, how can i do?

Work correct(code in appdbcontext)

not working (what something wrong in code)

Hi maliming,

if i use red tools to add a OrganizationUnit's Navigation Properties, that mean is same as use IMustHaveOranizationUnit?

what is different in bellow two Scenes

Hi maliming,

thank you for your support.

latest codeing:

file: AppLdapAuthenticationSource.cs public class AppLdapSettings : LdapSettings { protected new ISettingManager SettingManager { get; }

    public AppLdapSettings(ISettingManager settingManager) : base(settingManager)
        SettingManager = settingManager;

    public override async Task&lt;string&gt; GetPassword(int? tenantId)
        if (tenantId.HasValue)
            var ldapPassword = await SettingManager.GetSettingValueForTenantAsync(LdapSettingNames.Password, tenantId.Value);
            return SimpleStringCipher.Instance.Decrypt(ldapPassword);

            var ldapPassword = await SettingManager.GetSettingValueForApplicationAsync(LdapSettingNames.Password);

            return SimpleStringCipher.Instance.Decrypt(ldapPassword);


file: XunyisoftSmartAppCoreModule.cs //Enable LDAP authentication (It can be enabled only if MultiTenancy is disabled!) IocManager.Register<ILdapSettings, AppLdapSettings>(); Configuration.Modules.ZeroLdap().Enable(typeof(AppLdapAuthenticationSource));

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