Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "jakeuj"

Current ASP.NET Core template is ASP.NET Core 1.1 <span style="color:#FF0000">NOT</span> Include module zero.

NuGet Package Install MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore [attachment=2:16v61bom]2017-05-03_15-35-37.png[/attachment:16v61bom] (I remove two package about mssql, too.)

Edit MyProject.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContextOptionsConfigurer.cs [attachment=1:16v61bom]2017-05-03_15-36-29.png[/attachment:16v61bom]


Edit appsettings.json [attachment=0:16v61bom]2017-05-03_15-37-53.png[/attachment:16v61bom]

"Default": "Server=localhost; Database=GameDb; userid=root;pwd=;port=3306;sslmode=none;"

Then you can Add-Migration, Update-Database, use Repositories...ETC.

BTW, I got an error if use the project Include module zero.

A discriminator property cannot be set for the entity type 'EditionFeatureSetting' because it is not the root of an inheritance hierarchy.

Where is the seed data document about ASP.NET Core 1.1 without module zero?

BTW, the project ASP.NET Core 1.1 without module zero has an error.




Error: "Thread" not have "CurrentUICulture" define...

I try tp create empty web application from template, but got an error. What's wrong?

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