Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "janhu"


how can I build front-end view that does not require user to log-in and doesn't have admin part just like demo application works. I couldn't find any approach and I believe that this will be super easy thing I just missed.

Thanks, for advice!

I haven't noticed that there is an Account module. That was exactly what I needed.


when backend throws an error, view shows this window

How can I access this window using frontend(angular 2.0) ?


Thanks, thats it


I Added CompanyDbContext to my project new to OriginalDbContex created by the template. I also regisetered it at OriginalEntityFrameworkCoreModule. It looks like this:

Configuration.Modules.AbpEfCore().AddDbContext<CompanyDbContext>(options =>
                    if (options.ExistingConnection != null)
                        CompanyDbContextConfigurer.Configure(options.DbContextOptions, options.ExistingConnection);
                        CompanyDbContextConfigurer.Configure(options.DbContextOptions, options.ConnectionString);

The problem is that the


parameter always contains default connecion string... I tried to register it at startup.cs which did not work either.

                var connectionString=_appConfiguration["ConnectionStrings:CS_Test"];

Can you help me to obtain the CS_Test parameter please?

I also implemented IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<CompanyDbContext> the same as the OriginalFbContext has. But the comment above it says

/* This class is needed to run "dotnet ef ..." commands from command line on development. Not used anywhere else */

Where is the problem then?

Thank you.

Thank you. I created my own ConnectionStringResolver. Unfortunaltely the configuration provided in ConfigurationManager did not contain the connection string from appsettings.json so I had to hard code id.

So be it... issue is resolved even though I am very disappointed or I did not get it correctly.

Hello, I have a problem with updating anything in node.js. I want to update primenNG to get new turbo table feature. To have it, I presume, I need to run

npm update primeng

It totally breaks everything. There are other things missing like 'code-point-at', 'array-union'... and many other. When I manualy instal them all then there is an ultimate error messege when

npm start

is entered. Undefined property 'length' on udefined or such.

I found at strack overflow that the problem is in typescript. When i try to update it. It creates more issues.

I don't much understand node.js. I just use it for installing dependencies and running angular client. So I am not sure what kind of magic it needs to work.

When I run npm install first time I made a backup so I can always rollback and try something new. Delete node_modules and run npm install does not work. It produces error that contains this info [i]Error: Cannot find module 'code-point-at'[/].

Everything I install, update or any advice I follow just produces more errors.

Firstly why is it happening? Whan possible uknown dependency I miss ( typescript, node js itself...) and how to find it out without clean installing absolutely everything? Secondly how to update primeng?

Thank you.

The link goes nowhere

Also, the problem is not PrimeNg itself but updata as a whole.

I am not able to execute

npm update

without breaking whole project.

Thank you, but still no progress. What should I do?

How could I have incompatible dependency? It's very strange.

yarn install v0.23.4
warning npm-shrinkwrap.json found. This will not be updated or respected. See for more information.
warning [email protected]: "dependencies" has dependency "codelyzer" with range "^2.1.1" that collides with a dependency in "devDependencies" of the same name with version "~3.1.2"
warning [email protected]: "dependencies" has dependency "jasmine-spec-reporter" with range "^3.3.0" that collides with a dependency in "devDependencies" of the same name with version "~4.2.1"
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
error [email protected]: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version "> 0.4.x < 0.9.0".
error Found incompatible module
info Visit for documentation about this command.
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