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Activities of "jaycee26"


Version 9.3, Agular .Net Core

I am confused about the user email confirmation/activation process. The terminology used through is (although not completely) is user/email activation. When creating a new user, there is an option to send a activation email. And on the account module, there is a an Email Activation page where a user can put in their email address to have an activation link sent to their email address. Yet the link is to the /account/confirm-email route, not 'activate'.

However, the underlying process is not about 'activation'. A user can be added to a tenant and can log in straight away without 'activating' their account via the received email.

All this 'activation' seems to do is confirm their email address (yet incrorrectly termed as 'activate' IMHO), but it does not prevent access until they have activated their account/email (which is what is meant 'activate' IMHO).

Is the above by design? Is it email confirmation rather than user/email activation? Or am I missunderstanding how this process is designed to work.

I need to have the process that when a user registers or is added to the system they cannot login until they have activated their account via email the email link.

Can you point me in the right direction as to how this can easily be implemented?

Thanks, J


Please answer the following questions before submitting an issue. YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.

  • What is your product version? 9.3
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .net Core

I have a question as to how languages are handled as part of userMailer.cs, for example:

If I have a user who has set their default language to say es-MX and an admin who has their language set to en-GB triggers an action to send an email to the user, the email is created uses the admin language, not the language as the user. I.e. the email content is sent in English (the default language of the admin), not Spanish (the default language of the user). If the user does not speak English, then they can't understand the content of the email.

It looks like this also applies to the other userMailer functions such as TryToSendSubscriptionExpiringSoonEmail which will send the email in the host default language, not the tenant or recipient user language.

Can you confirm if this is the case and how I might approach being able to change the userMailer.cs to send the email using the language setting for the user/recipient, not the host, tenant or admin default language?


Hi, core + Angular

I have added a new module (project) to my aspnet zero application, e.g. MyCompanyName.NewModule, where I want to have most of my specific code to keep it seperate from zero code base for various reasons including ease of updating the template versions etc.

Now I can access all the functions in that module from other parts of the aspnet zero application by including that as a project reference in the other modules (such as .Application .Core etc).

But what I am struggling with is having that new module (the Dto's and the functions etc) picked up when running refresh.bat so that they are included in the service proxies on hte angular side. When I run the application and look at swagger, the API's and DTO's are not included.

It may be that I am not fully underestanding how swagger knows where to look for API's. Does the new module need defining somehwere in swagger config?

Any advice to point me in the right direction would be appreciated.


Hi, core 2 / Angular / ANZ v7.0.

When selecting different themes in Visual Settings for the tenant, the behaviour of the user menu is inconsistent:

Theme 1 - OK Theme 2 - Alignment of drop down wrong Theme 3 - Drop down not displaying Theme 4 - OK Theme 5 - Alignment of dropdown wrong Theme 6 - OK Theme 7 - Drop down not displaying Theme 8 - OK Theme 9 - OK Theme 10 - Alignment of dropdown is wrong Theme 11 - OK Theme 12 - OK

Thanks, JC



I am using v6.8 Angular/Core.

The template includes Metronic theme (I understand v5), however there are amny styles in Metronic that are not in the ASP.NET Zero template. For example. I want to use the 'kt-section' styles which are shown in the Metronic 5 preview ([]

This displays as follows:

In the relevant source the HTML from the above Metronic preview page is:

<div class="kt-section">
                    <span class="kt-section__info">
						All HTML headings, <code>&lt;h1&gt;</code> through <code>&lt;h6&gt;</code>, are available.
                    <div class="kt-section__content kt-section__content--solid">
                        <div class="row">
                            <div class="col-md-6">
                                <h1>h1. Heading 1</h1>
                                <div class="kt-space-10"></div>
                                <h2>h2. Heading 2</h2>
                                <div class="kt-space-10"></div>
                                <h3>h3. Heading 3</h3>
                                <div class="kt-space-10"></div>
                                <h4>h4. Heading 4</h4>
                                <div class="kt-space-10"></div>
                                <h5>h5. Heading 5</h5>
                                <div class="kt-space-10"></div>
                                <h6>h6. Heading 6</h6>
                            <div class="col-md-6">
                                <h1 class="kt-font-success">h1. Heading 1</h1>
                                <div class="kt-space-10"></div>
                                <h2 class="kt-font-info">h2. Heading 2</h2>
                                <div class="kt-space-10"></div>
                                <h3 class="kt-font-warning">h3. Heading 3</h3>
                                <div class="kt-space-10"></div>
                                <h4 class="kt-font-danger">h4. Heading 4</h4>
                                <div class="kt-space-10"></div>
                                <h5 class="kt-font-primary">h5. Heading 5</h5>
                                <div class="kt-space-10"></div>
                                <h6 class="kt-font-brand">h6. Heading 6</h6>


Yet all these 'kt*' classes are not present in the ASPNET Zero CSS's so can not be used.

1). Am I missing or missunderstanding something here? 2). If they are not included, how can they be included (I have a seperate metronic license).



Just to report a potential confusing error/issue for users.

If a user goes to 'My Settings' and enters their phone number, the Verify Phone Number button to the right of the phone number field is selectable, but an 'unexpected error occured' is returned. When I looked in to this it is because the Phone Number at that point is not saved to the user profile, so the number used to send the SMS message to is null and (Twilio in my case) returns an error in the log saying that a 'To' number is required.

Therefore on 'My Settings' the user has to click 'Save' before verifying the phone number. Once saved, and the phone number is set in user.PhoneNumber, then the verification process works fine.

Could/should the user story be changed to only allow the 'Verify Phone Number' button to only be enabled once the phone number has been saved to the profile?



There appears to be a bug in the custom Application Logo feature. When uploading a custom logo, the logo is not displayed on the app page, but works ok on the login page. On trying to debug it I find that the following line in default-brand-component.html is the issue:

<img *ngIf="appSession.tenant && appSession.tenant.logoId" [src]="remoteServiceBaseUrl + '/TenantCustomization/GetTenantLogo?skin=' + ui.getAsideSkin() + '&tenantId=' + + '&id=' + appSession.tenant.logoId" alt="logo" height="60" /> if I remove the ui.getAsideSkin() element from that line, then it works just fine.

If you look at app-ui-customization.service.ts then that function - getAsideSkin() - is not defined. In fact I cannot find another reference to that function anywhere in the Angular source.

Can you confirm if it is a bug or not? Or am I missing something?



I would welcome any thoughts / opinions regarding a security concern with the template.

With a tenant in a multi-tenant setup, to a potential hacker there are three peices of unknon information - the Tenant ID, the user name and the password. However, the host tenant ID/name is 'blank' and cannot (to my understanding) be changed. So that is one variable less that a potential hacker needs to 'guess.' Second, the default admin user for all tenants is 'Admin' and that name cannot be changed (as far as I understand). So for access to the 'host' that in turn can gain access to all tenants just required a passowrd to be cracked/hacked. OK, that is not a simple task I agree but if three bits of information had to be known, then that would be significantly harder.

It therefore seems to be not following best practices by making 2 out of the three key bits of information clearly known (such as in these forums). It would not be so bad if we could easily change the host from a blank name to a unique tenant name, and be able to change 'Admin' to a named user with admin privelages that can be seeded with a new tenant through code - such as the user creating the new tenant.

Does anyone else share these concerns or am I being over sensitive!? Would welcome thoughts/comments.


Just purchased the template and the asp-core and angular project build ok.

When building the mobile app on either Windows or Mac VS I get an error that 'DependencyResolver' is an ambiguous reference between 'myApp_Test.Core.Dependency.DependencyResolver' and 'Xamarin.Forms.Internals.DependencyResolver' myApp_Test.Mobile.Shared C:\Users\xyz \aspnet-core\src\MyApp_Test.Mobile.Shared\ViewModels\MainViewModel.cs

Could anyone help to point me in the right direction? I have updated all the packages for the solution.

When downloading the template I selected latest version of ASP.NEt Core 2 + Angular


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