Thanks a lot!
I have been able to resolve eliminating the dependency to "OwlCarousel ^ 1.3.2" that gave me problems, and installing the Bower libraries from the console
I should upgrade dependency to owl carousel 2?
Could it be a problem with Bower? I tried to restore packages in the context menu on bower.json but nothing happened.
Yes, from that place
I have the same problem. I've implemented with pipes:
<input type="date" #dateBirthInput class="form-control" name="datBirth" [ngModel]="professional.dateBirth | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'" (ngModelChange)="professional.dateBirth = $event" >
and I've implemented with datetimepicker() with your solution from here: #2984.
The error is the same: "ERROR TypeError: this.dateBirth.toISOString is not a function".
But if I use ngx-bootstrap []) it's OK (<ins>but I don't want to use that because i need calendar popup</ins>).
<div class="form-group form-md-line-input form-md-floating-label no-hint"> <datepicker class="" type="date" name="dateBirth" [ngModel]="professional.dateBirth | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'" (ngModelChange)="professional.dateBirth = $event" required></datepicker> <label>{{l("DateBirth")}}</label> </div> Could you helpme, thks!