This has been resolved.. thanks .
My only issue now seems to be production server needs the environment variable reset after deployment for some reason..
Would you have a simple example for me to look at?
Here is a great example that helped me out with the same issue
Hi Ismcagdas, So I understand that microsoft documentation, I have already done this in the Web.MVC project and it doesn't work. My question was should this be done in the Web.Host or Web.Core project as well. I hope this is a better question.
Sorry, I am just now getting back to this.. I would like a complete walkthrough on how to build out a full module like the older blog module example you had a few years back. All of the code I add I would like to be in my own project module. this may help me upgrade versions easier..
Here is my solution.. It gives me the ability to allow anyone I want to edit a dashboard
I added a Permission called Pages.Tenant.Dashboard.Edit to the AppPermissions.cs file in the Core Project ` //TENANT-SPECIFIC PERMISSIONS
public const string Pages_Tenant_Dashboard = "Pages.Tenant.Dashboard";
public const string Pages_Tenant_Dashboard_Edit = "Pages.Tenant.Dashboard.Edit";
` Then in the App/Areas/Views/Shared/Components/CustomizeableDashboard/index.cshtml view I modified the following code to look for dashboard edit permissions..
@if (IsGranted(AppPermissions.Pages_Tenant_Dashboard_Edit)) { <span class="switch switch-icon"> <label> <input type="checkbox" id="EditableCheckbox"> <span></span> </label> </span> <strong class="p-2 pt-4 dashboard-header-text-edit-mode"> @L("EditMode") </strong> }
Yep that was it, only for some reason I had to install the full SDK for it to work...
So I am having the same issue as mentioned here. I installed .NET CORE 2.2.8 runtime and the issue still exists. Do I need to install the exact 2.2.0 version?
Great Answers.. I will follow up when i get my solution