Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "jdavis01"


Version 7.0.0  MVCCore & JQuery

I need to pass the ID of a newly created record through the event bus so I can take action inside the subscribers. I get the ID using the InsertAndGetIdAsync method of the repository and that works fine. When I try to insert the id value to the event trigger I an Object [object ] error.  on the subscription side I get ID: undefined Here is my code.

Note: newLabRequestId is an Object [object] data.Id is undefined

<br> AppService returns newly inserted record ID or -1

public async Task<int> CreateOrEdit(CreateOrEditLabRequestDto input)
            int labRequestId;

            if(input.Id == null){
                labRequestId = await Create(input);
                await Update(input);
                labRequestId = -1;

            return labRequestId;

Create record in modal view. EventBus triggers but does not and pass the new through to the subscribers

var newLabRequestId = _labRequestService.createOrEdit(	labRequest
			 ).done(function () {
                 abp.event.trigger('app.createOrEditLabRequestModalSaved', { Id: newLabRequestId });
			 }).always(function () {

Eventbus subscription

  //Event Bus Registration

            function (data) {

                if (data.Id !== -1) {
                    // View lab request for print
                     //window.location.href = "/LabRequest/ViewLabRequestModal/" + data.Id;


AspnetZero 7.0.0 MVC Core & JQuery

I would like to add some additional commands to some modals, say a print button on a modal detail view. I have done this in the past on different projects using a really convenient library called printThis on github.

$('#PrintModalButton').click(function(){ $('.modal-content').printThis(); });

How can i access the click event on a button I add to an abp modal form?

Jquery printThis


I am using AspNetZero v7.0.0 MVC Core & JQuery and noticed that this version has an InstallController that appears to be able to install the database on first run.. There is not any documentation on that feature so is this is the case?. Could you possible elaborate a bit on it for me?

I am using version AspnetZero 6.7.0, MVC & JQuery, without the public site. this project is an intranet site and not using LDAP. Under development the app worked as expected, however once we deployed to our Staging server we discovered that the app settings under the administration tab keep changing back to default on save.

So the scenario would be:

  • I removed the recaptcha settings and clicked save, then all the SMTP email settings were set back to default.
  • I would reset the email settings and click save then the required length of the password would be set back to 3.
  • I would change the password length back to 6 and click save all then teh enable SMS check box would be checked.

I worked with this several times and went back to my development environment and everythig seems to work fine there.

Any advise?


I am working on deploying my aspnetzero application and would like to understand how to properly use the built in Migrator project to manage migrations across staging and production servers..

Is there a way to add a nother menu level to the Rapid Application Development Tool? + Currently I See Root and Administration and would like to add a couple more options to make the development go even faster..


Is there a good tutorial article on development using the aspnetboilerplate module system in aspnetzero?


what is your recommendation on changing the name of the "DEFAULT" Tenancy?

Super excited to upgrade existing project to 6.3.1

I downloaded the ASPNET Core MVC Jquery project updated the database and on first run the admin / 123qwe login redirect to change password returns a json string in the browser.

if I copy the address in the response it will allow me to enter my password and change it..

Also happens with email validation as well.


So I have the latest 4.6.1 Aspnet Core JQuery template have run into a role user permission scenario that I need to get clarified.

I have configured the application with multi - Tenancy disabled and configured AppPermissions as follows:

// AppPermissions
        public const string Pages_Tenant_Vendors = "Pages.Tenant.Vendors";
        public const string Pages_Tenant_Vendor_Create = "Pages.Tenant.Vendor.Create";
        public const string Pages_Tenant_Vendor_Edit = "Pages.Tenant.Vendor.Edit";
        public const string Pages_Tenant_Vendor_Delete = "Pages.Tenant.Vendor.Delete";

// AppAuthorizationProvider
var vendor = pages.CreateChildPermission(AppPermissions.Pages_Tenant_Vendors, L("Vendors"),multiTenancySides:MultiTenancySides.Tenant);
            vendor.CreateChildPermission(AppPermissions.Pages_Tenant_Vendor_Create, L("VendorCreate"), multiTenancySides: MultiTenancySides.Tenant);
            vendor.CreateChildPermission(AppPermissions.Pages_Tenant_Vendor_Edit, L("VendorEdit"), multiTenancySides: MultiTenancySides.Tenant);
            vendor.CreateChildPermission(AppPermissions.Pages_Tenant_Vendor_Delete, L("VendorDelete"), multiTenancySides: MultiTenancySides.Tenant);

When I assign permissions to a specific role the users in that role still need to have the permission assigned to them as well..

The expected behavior was that roles would hold the permissions and the users would be assigned permissions through roles.

Can you help to explain why I still need to assign users to permissions that are already assigned to their role?

Showing 11 to 20 of 30 entries