Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "jfmeyers"

Thank you for the reply.

We are currently developing a CMS based on ABP. The same CMS is sold to different clients who have different needs.

Example, we put a [AbpMvcAuthorize("Blog.Read")] on an action of a controller that allows the display of a blog. For some of our clients, the blog is accessible to everybody and for another clients blog is accessible only to certain users. So we need to indicate that a visitor (User or Anonymous) can access or not with permission "Blog.Read".

In our case, we need that all not logged in user automaticaly have Anonymous role. With that we can adjust accessibility to part of our CMS directly in the back-office without changing code (remove the AbpMvcAuthorize).

I do not know if i correctly express our needs. My English is not so good. Tell me if it's not clear.

Thank you


In ABP, it's possible to assign roles and permissions only to users. Would it be possible to create a static roles with a name like "Guest" or "Anonymous" that will automatically be attributed to non-logged-in user?

We need to put AbpMvcAuthorize attribute ([AbpMvcAuthorize (PagesPermissionNames.PagesPageRead)]) on a controller and determine if the visitor can access or not to the page. The problem is that currently AbpMvcAuthorize check if the visitor is authenticated (AbpSession.UserId.HasValue in AuthorizationHelper, etc).

Thank you

Hello, I have an error when validating an entity with a DbGeography. I added a [DisableValidation] attribute and everything works. Here is the error (in french) :

L'accesseur de propriété 'Value' sur l'objet 'System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble' a levé l'exception suivante :'Les données sont null. Cette méthode ou propriété ne peut pas être appelée sur des valeurs Null.' (Controller.<BeginExecuteCore>b__1d => AsyncControllerActionInvoker.EndInvokeAction => <>c__DisplayClass21.<BeginInvokeAction>b__1e => ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeExceptionFilters => AbpController.OnException => LogHelper.LogException) System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: L'accesseur de propriété 'Value' sur l'objet 'System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble' a levé l'exception suivante :'Les données sont null. Cette méthode ou propriété ne peut pas être appelée sur des valeurs Null.' ---> System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlNullValueException: Les données sont null. Cette méthode ou propriété ne peut pas être appelée sur des valeurs Null. à System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble.get_Value() --- Fin de la trace de la pile d'exception interne --- à System.ComponentModel.ReflectPropertyDescriptor.GetValue(Object component) à Abp.Runtime.Validation.Interception.MethodInvocationValidator.ValidateObjectRecursively(Object validatingObject) dans D:\Halil\GitHub\aspnetboilerplate\src\Abp\Runtime\Validation\Interception\MethodInvocationValidator.cs:ligne 205 à Abp.Runtime.Validation.Interception.MethodInvocationValidator.ValidateObjectRecursively(Object validatingObject) dans D:\Halil\GitHub\aspnetboilerplate\src\Abp\Runtime\Validation\Interception\MethodInvocationValidator.cs:ligne 198 à Abp.Runtime.Validation.Interception.MethodInvocationValidator.ValidateObjectRecursively(Object validatingObject) dans D:\Halil\GitHub\aspnetboilerplate\src\Abp\Runtime\Validation\Interception\MethodInvocationValidator.cs:ligne 198 à Abp.Runtime.Validation.Interception.MethodInvocationValidator.ValidateObjectRecursively(Object validatingObject) dans D:\Halil\GitHub\aspnetboilerplate\src\Abp\Runtime\Validation\Interception\MethodInvocationValidator.cs:ligne 198 à Abp.Runtime.Validation.Interception.MethodInvocationValidator.Validate() dans D:\Halil\GitHub\aspnetboilerplate\src\Abp\Runtime\Validation\Interception\MethodInvocationValidator.cs:ligne 87 à Abp.Runtime.Validation.Interception.ValidationInterceptor.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) dans D:\Halil\GitHub\aspnetboilerplate\src\Abp\Runtime\Validation\Interception\ValidationInterceptor.cs:ligne 31

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