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Activities of "joe704la"

Is there a way to turn off and on certain features for the single tenant? For example be able to toggle on off the entire chat feature?

I downloaded the new Core version of ASP.NET Zero and it's not restoring the packages correctly. I have attached a screen shot of an example of what I am talking about. Its has done this for all the projects.

When I try to Update-Database through the Package manager it just says EntityFramework is not installed in the EntityFramework project. I am sure this is because it isn't restoring packages correctly.

Has anyone had the same issues? And if so have you figured out why this is happening?

I love the new Chat feature. I to implement this into our app but I only want the Admin to be able to chat with the users. So basically the Admin would be able to look up a username and chat with them but the basic user would not be able to find any of the users to chat back with.

What would be the best way to implement something like this?

I also want to create an message inbox type of functionality with similar functionality. Where the Admin communicates with the basic users but they cannot communicate with anyone but the Admin.

Hello I want to create different types of users. They will have different types of profiles and functionality. For example a Landlord and a Renter user. What would be the best way to do this? Obviously I could create different Roles for them which I will do as well but a Landlord will have different classes associated with them such as a Listing and Rental properties.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I added a couple methods to the AppNotifier class. I want to be able to send emails when a user gets a notification, that they received a specific notification. Would you have any good ideas how I can do this for the ones where people are only registered to receive the notification?

I extended the User entity by adding the following properties...

public virtual bool LockoutEnabled { get; set; }

        public virtual int AccessFailedCount { get; set; }

        public virtual DateTime? LockoutEndDateUtc { get; set; }

I then went to extend the UserStore by implementing the IUserLockStore<User, long> interface. This works all fine. But when I try to update the user by using the User repository in the UserStore like this _userRepository.UpdateAsync(user) it doesn't actually update the user in the database.

When I debug I can see it go through without any errors being thrown, but it just doesn't update the user. Would you have any ideas why this could be happening?


I saw you use the uib-popover directive from <a class="postlink" href=""></a> and got that working just fine. But I want to use HTMl in the popup. Bootstrap does have a uib-popover-html directive but it doesn't work with Zero. Are you using a customized version of angular UI bootstrap that doesn't include the uib-popover-html?

I want to be able to use the large modal like on here (<a class="postlink" href=""></a>) I am trying to figure out a way I can pass an attribute to the open modal function that when "large" is passed in that it will use the large width modal instead of the default one.

Would you have any suggestions on how I could achieve this?


Is there any way to undelete a soft delete. I tried doing it by first finding something that was soft deleted and then doing an update on it to undelete it. But I am guessing the IRepository is not going to find anything that is Soft deleted. Is that true? Every time I do a FindFirstOrDefault on something that is soft deleted it never finds it.


I created a users list that doesn't show Admins and only shows "Users" role. I then created a "Manager" role that I am allowing them to edit the "Users" roles, I will also need to allow the Managers to assign permissions to these basic users but I want to prevent them from giving the users permissions to everything. Only certain permissions such as viewing one particular area and that is it. Is this possible?

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